Nozzel Dragging Trouble
March 14, 2016 10:36AM
So i have corrected my leveling problems (for the most part) There are a few areas on the bed that are a tad bit off and you can notice this from the under side of finished prints however I can stick prints all over my bed just fine to get the shiny finish off the PEI cover build plate.

My current issue i am having is my nozzel is dragging through the print and snagging on already printed PLA in some cases when its moving across the print, which in a bad case causes the print to then shift and print layers where they should not be printed. I do have Z-offset set in my slicer (in order to get better adhesion for sticking my first layer)

My plan is to try and print some things without this set offset in slicer once i get some time. In the meantime i wanted to see what others do to solve this type of problem so i could explore multiple options... I am aware there is a "Lift-Z" option but from my understanding of the description this only lifts the Z when crossing parameters? I could be wrong...However does anyone else know of a way to lift Z (or in other words the nozzel) while it is making "traveling" moves?

Or some other suggestions to how to solve this type of problem. Apologizes in advance i have not had much time to search old forums for this issue yet so sorry if this might be repetitive. Thanks in advance!
Re: Nozzel Dragging Trouble
March 29, 2016 10:26AM
After some more research i have come to the conclusion my extruder needed to be re-calibrated. I have calibrated it and noticed it was "over" extruding plastic before based on the measurements so this was likely my problem. This over extrusion was probably also the reason my top layers have been finishing rough and not smooth. The over extruded plastic had no where else to go but up which gets in the way of the nozzel.
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