new artifacts after flying extruder
March 28, 2016 05:07AM
Hi guys,

I have another one. I recently got the bondtec extruder and had to install it with a 90cm bowden tube, which worked but wasnt good for retraction.
So I went back to my flying extruder build I had used before.

The new extruder works great and the flying setup Ive been using a year, so nothing out of the ordinary.

Now im getting this really interesting artifact. Its a diagonal line that goes ca 30deg up the wall. Sometimes its just a little buldge, sometimes there is also 0,5mm missing extrusion.
Some examples:

(All fotos can be seen here)

Some further observations.
+most walls looke fine, no extra jitter or irregularites, extrusion is also consistent and retraction is spot on
+i tested different materials, so a material fault can be excluded
+on the cubes it only happens on one side, on the other piece its on both sides.

Lastly I tested a different slicer. I usually use the newest cura which works fine in the past and now I also tested craftware and surprisingly this cube came out without the diagonal line:

BUT when I printed the other shape I saw that on the last topmost layer a diagonal line was creeping in.

You can see on the top edge slighty to the left of the center.

Its very weird since the walls below are fine. I thought about other causes like direction or layer change but that all doesnt make sense.

Any ideas?
Re: new artifacts after flying extruder
March 28, 2016 08:57PM
I'm thinking it might be oozing from when the z layer changes.
Re: new artifacts after flying extruder
March 28, 2016 10:39PM
The layer change is randomized, those are the little zits everywhere.
Re: new artifacts after flying extruder
October 30, 2016 12:39PM
Hi, did you solved this diagonal banding issue?
Re: new artifacts after flying extruder
October 30, 2016 12:43PM
It went away, but I dont know why. Most likely something mechanical.
Re: new artifacts after flying extruder
October 31, 2016 10:45AM
Generally its some type of issue like a wheel with a flat spot, or something snagging at a certain spot (filament, wires etc...)
Re: new artifacts after flying extruder
October 31, 2016 10:53AM
Generally its some type of issue like a wheel with a flat spot, or something snagging at a certain spot (filament, wires etc...)

reading on the web it seems to be a missing step that cause zebra stripes, i'm still unable to solve this sad smiley
Re: new artifacts after flying extruder
October 31, 2016 02:41PM
missing steps maybe, wouldnt the pattern be more random?
Re: new artifacts after flying extruder
November 06, 2016 02:52PM
Acceleration values? Perhaps you need less acceleration with the heavier carriage.
Re: new artifacts after flying extruder
November 08, 2016 11:00AM
My first thought was that there would be a counter-rotation effect by the extruder as it turns. Could this be the cause of the artifact?
Re: new artifacts after flying extruder
November 08, 2016 11:21AM
@ origami: the carriage is pretty light, due to the flying extruder and i run very conservative acceleration. under certain cercumstances i can imgine a similar effect as an acceleration artifact but the spiral nature would still be weird.

@Kdog: what do you mean by counter rotation? if you mean the extruder swinging maybe, that would be more visible around corners not along a wall where the swing would continue in the same direction.
Re: new artifacts after flying extruder
November 08, 2016 12:02PM
Generally its some type of issue like a wheel with a flat spot, or something snagging at a certain spot (filament, wires etc...)

reading on the web it seems to be a missing step that cause zebra stripes, i'm still unable to solve this sad smiley

I found that my problem was caused by 1 faulty stepper driver.
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