I'm looking for a first 3D printer, and I'm not too sure which printer, and derivative is the most suitable.
I've selected a parametric delta style over Cartesian due to its greater precision and accuracy, as well as its cylindrical print base.
I've done some research, but there are a lot of RepRap PDMs, and even more derivatives from them, and I'm not entirely sure which I should get.
These are my preferences:
- Repeatability as high as possible, less than 50microns
- High resolution
- Best upgrades and mods (heated printbed, filament compatibility, multiple extruders, etc)
- Readily interchangeable and upgradeable components
- Assembly complexity isn't a concern
- Speed shouldn't be too unreasonably slow but less of a consideration
- Size not a concern as long as it is greater than 6" diameter
Best variants in your opinion??