I looked around a bit on google and on these forums, and nothing came up, but I'm facing the most curious issue I ever have seen. I'm using a delta printer (Rostock), and every layer after the first one is slanted, but not like you usually think when you hear "slanted print", with an x or y offset; no, I mean I can visually see a 3-5 degree ANGLE per layer in all but the first layer. In other words, the second layer has one half of the layer pressed properly into the first layer, and the other half barely touching, and then the third layer has the first half of the print pressed further into the print than it should be, and the other side isn't even close to touching, and then it's game over. it appears to be due to a single tower, as the angle of each layer is oriented toward a single tower. However, I can't tell if the tower is not getting enough power (due to the motor controller setting or even the PS), if the belt tension isn't enough, if the set screw for that tower needs to be adjusted along with the build plate, or what. Note that the first layer consistently prints FINE, and this printer hasn't had this problem in the past that I know of (I've printed tall issues before, but have moved the location of the printer since then, so the system might have changed mechanically). I'm at quite a loss here as to what I need to do to fix this issue. I was having some belt tension issues earlier, but those ought to be sorted out; I'll look at that once more, but I really don't know what about a tower would cause this extreme of a problem, and only after the first layer. Is the print speed too fast for that tower maybe? specifically when it is raising the Z axis perhaps? I haven't the slightest. Thank you all in advance for any help you can provide. Of course I will provide any other details necessary. Thanks again!