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Prints badly deformed on He3D Delta 180

Posted by Morph1 
Prints badly deformed on He3D Delta 180
November 02, 2016 06:46AM
Hi everyone,

Since I am new here and new in 3D printing I would like to give a small introduction.
I am 20 years old, living in the Netherlands and studying Electrical Engineering. Since i designed a few funny or usefull electrical circuits I thought it would be nice to put them in a decent case or coverage.
So that's the moment I decided to enter the world of 3D printing. But as a student I don't have like $1000 to spend on a 3D printer so i found this He3D for $160 (eventually $280 with heatbed upgrade shiping costs and import taxes). So after a bit of research i've read that it's a decent printer, only the manual is a big mess. But with my experience in engineering (build a working scale model of a MRI Scanner at school for example) i thought i can build it. I only ordered the Heatbed upgrade but i also got the Dual Extruder upgrade for free (still don't know why though). So now i've build it together and it works pretty much.

Now the real problem.

The first object i printed on this machine was a test file with a 30x20x10 cube. It was actually pretty good, but the only problem was that it was leaning away from the Y axis. (i have front left as X, front right as Y and the back as Z). So i researched on leaning prints and that got me to level out the towers and the printbed. After that and a few configuration fixings i tried to print a 20x20x20 test cube and well... that has become a big mess...
Every layer is shifting a rough 0.4mm away from the Y axis, resulting in the maserpiece in the picture of the attachment.
I tried almost everything : tighten belts, loosen belts, swaping motors, swaping drivers. level out the towers and the bed again and again, mesured rods again, check if rods are still straight, check if rod carriers have no friction on the tower, calibrate the whole thing over and over etc.
still every time the same result.

I'm using repetier host with the Slic3r. Board is an arduino Mega with Ramps 1.4 shield and a RepRap Smart controller connected to them.

i really hope somone here knows what is wrong with my printer or maybe the software, it's getting really frustrating after wrestling with it for 2 weeks and still no single good print.

Thanks in advance!
open | download - testcube print.jpg (55.5 KB)
Re: Prints badly deformed on He3D Delta 180
November 02, 2016 05:12PM
I'm sorry for bothering you guys, Looks like i didn't check the rod's good enough.
after swaping the Y rods with the X rods the deformation leaned away from the X axis.

guess it's time to look for some new rods :/
Re: Prints badly deformed on He3D Delta 180
November 02, 2016 06:44PM
Sounds like with your background and skills all you need is to get a feel for the delta platform. It's very sensitive to (mis)alignment of the frame and the length of the arms needs to be exactly the same. Any amount of play in the joints will introduce inaccuracy. But it looks like you're onto this now.

I'm quite sure you can convert a Chinese delta kit into a decent printer I just hope by the time you've done it you have not spent more than you would have done on a better kit. But even if you have, you gained a ton of valuable experience.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/02/2016 06:48PM by DjDemonD.

Simon Khoury

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