Suggested carriages and effector for Haydn magnetic arms for Kossel Mini?
September 01, 2017 08:48PM

I'm looking for suggestions for carriages and an effector that will work well together with Haydn Huntley's magnetic arms.

I've got a Think3DPrint3D v3 Kossel Mini.

Mainly, it is like this: [] except with Duet Wifi and Titan Extruder.

I've got Haydn Huntley's 215mm magnetic arms with Delrin cups, along with the magnetic balls. []

There are many on Thingiverse, but I don't see a clear leader - especially in terms of matched sets.

I'd like to keep sizes similar to what I have now, so as not to lose build area.

Thanks for any pointers.

Re: Suggested carriages and effector for Haydn magnetic arms for Kossel Mini?
September 02, 2017 03:44AM
What about the Smart PCB effector?
The carrier-plates use the 20x20mm pattern, so it should work with wheeled carriers too?
Re: Suggested carriages and effector for Haydn magnetic arms for Kossel Mini?
September 02, 2017 09:29AM
What about the Smart PCB effector?
The carrier-plates use the 20x20mm pattern, so it should work with wheeled carriers too?

That was my original plan, but the designers pointed out to me that it it quite a bit larger than the effector on the Kossel Mini, and that would cause me to lose build area. Rod spacing is 10mm wider, so the rough calculation would be a loss of 20mm of diameter. On a bed that is barely 170mm in diameter, that is a pretty large loss. I'm already losing some build area on side of the bed due to my current parts cooling fan arrangement (although that can be improved).

It's a shame. I was really looking forward to trying it.

Re: Suggested carriages and effector for Haydn magnetic arms for Kossel Mini?
September 02, 2017 01:23PM
Do you live in the states? If so, I could probably make you some out of plexiglass cut on a laser machine. That is what I did to make my own effector and carriage adapters for my homemade 450mm mag arms.
Re: Suggested carriages and effector for Haydn magnetic arms for Kossel Mini?
September 02, 2017 05:23PM
Do you live in the states? If so, I could probably make you some out of plexiglass cut on a laser machine.

Yes, I live in Minnesota. That's an interesting idea!
Re: Suggested carriages and effector for Haydn magnetic arms for Kossel Mini?
September 03, 2017 07:17AM
What about the Smart PCB effector?
The carrier-plates use the 20x20mm pattern, so it should work with wheeled carriers too?

That was my original plan, but the designers pointed out to me that it it quite a bit larger than the effector on the Kossel Mini, and that would cause me to lose build area. Rod spacing is 10mm wider, so the rough calculation would be a loss of 20mm of diameter. On a bed that is barely 170mm in diameter, that is a pretty large loss. I'm already losing some build area on side of the bed due to my current parts cooling fan arrangement (although that can be improved).

It's a shame. I was really looking forward to trying it.


I reckon the loss in print diameter in the vicinity of the towers would be about 17mm assuming that in the original Mini Kossel design the limiting factor is the effector touching the belts, not any fans etc.that are below the effector and protruding outside it.

Large delta printer [], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [].
Re: Suggested carriages and effector for Haydn magnetic arms for Kossel Mini?
September 03, 2017 01:41PM
Do you live in the states? If so, I could probably make you some out of plexiglass cut on a laser machine.

Yes, I live in Minnesota. That's an interesting idea!

If you can get me some specifics, I'll see what I can do.

What is the spacing (center to center) of the balls on both the effector and carriages? Size of ball thread? 1/8"?

Is your carriage bolt spacing the normal 20x20mm 3mm holes?

Distance between the ball centers on effector at the corners where two balls are close to each other?

Size of center hole and size of hole needed to insert your hot end? Any other holes needed for mounting hot end?

Can you draw a picture to better illustrate these dimensions?

This how I have my Delta set up.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/03/2017 01:54PM by number40fan.
Re: Suggested carriages and effector for Haydn magnetic arms for Kossel Mini?
September 03, 2017 11:23PM
If you can get me some specifics, I'll see what I can do.

Your Delta setup looks really good.

I did find some design's by Haydn, so I'm going to take a look at these to see if they'd make sense for me. If I run in to issues, I might ping you again.

He's got both the SCAD and STL out there too.
Re: Suggested carriages and effector for Haydn magnetic arms for Kossel Mini?
September 04, 2017 02:33AM
Thanks. If you decide to go my route, let it be known I work for cheap. ;-)
Re: Suggested carriages and effector for Haydn magnetic arms for Kossel Mini?
March 18, 2018 10:21AM
Just to close the loop on this, after searching and trying a few different designs, I finally settled on creating a modified version of Haydn Huntley's carriages, and paired them up with a simple effector I designed that carries forward the Hotend connection points of the standard T3P3 effector. I use this in conjunction with a slightly modified version of the T3P3 E3D-V6 mount and fan shroud, which connects to a parts cooling nozzle using a 4010 blower fan using a modified version of the nice nozzle from @Cova.


Thanks for the advice and ideas!

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