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build own kossel vs anycubic kossel plus

Posted by masterviana 
build own kossel vs anycubic kossel plus
December 26, 2017 08:17PM
I've already built 2 printer cartesian machines from scratch (itopie and kind of folger), I'm thinking to build a delta printer kossel model, in my reserch I've found anycubic kossel plus for about 250€ my question this printer is worth the money even with some cheap board and driver that I intend to change after purchase or it's better to build from scratch buy the vslot for frame buy the motors (0.9 degrees) all the pieces spend a lot more money and lot of headache.

Anycubic kossel has a lot of good features like linear rails, vslot frame (seems robust) heat bed, for a cheaper price. for guys who built from scratch anycubic kossel is a good base do evolve?

thanks in advance
Re: build own kossel vs anycubic kossel plus
December 27, 2017 03:12AM
The mechanical parts are pretty cheap to get, the rest should be upgraded as you said yourself. If you don't have other projects in mind, where you can use the 1.8° steppers and the old controller, you better go shopping for rails, corners and silicon heater eg. from robotdigg.com and order extrusions, steppers and vitamins locally.
Re: build own kossel vs anycubic kossel plus
December 27, 2017 08:00AM
I considered the Anycubic kossel some time back, but opted for building it myself as I was able to follow build by dc42. Also, I feel I learned a lot during the process and will not feel bad if break/fix is needed at any stage.

I made a 24v kossel mini based on 2020 extrusion with the duet wifi and E3D v6 metal hotend and 24v silicon heated bed. I have now completed build and am happy with results so far. I had metal corners and rails from robotdigg. All together it costs more than Anycubic version but ok with that.
Re: build own kossel vs anycubic kossel plus
December 27, 2017 01:39PM
Thanks the quick replies.

I'm from Portugal i'm concern about shipping and taxes from robotdigg. Anycubic kossel seems a great base to add some good electronic duetWifi and 3dv6. I think it worth for whole 2020 extrusion rails and metal corners the version plus version of anycubic kossel had all that included also motors. i'm impress with this model for the price.

@leif can you share your boom with list with prices of components special for mechanical frames, corns, motors, rails?
Re: build own kossel vs anycubic kossel plus
December 27, 2017 06:00PM
@masterviana I do not have an extensive BOM list of parts in a nice spreadsheet(I believe DC42 has a nice BOM on his blog somewhere), but I can say a bit about where I got the main bits in my printer and approximately what I paid for them. I am sure there are better deals etc, but I got mine bit by bit as I worked my way through learning about the Kossel mini design in my half hour slots during very late evenings as a family dad smiling smiley Later I have also gotten a bigger frame and I have extra set of stepper motors with better resolution that I can upgrade at some point.

Frame 2020 extrusion Profile 20x20 B-type slot 6 > 6 x 240mm and 3 x 600mm (for the mini kossel size)
T-nut B-type slot 6, bag a 100 M3 and M4
--> 75€ incl. shipping to Ireland

Corners for 2020 MCK2020-V-BLACK,
3 x GCr15 MGN12-1H-400 Linear Rail and Carriage for Kossel
Carriage for open ended belt - MGN12H-OP-BLACK --> 120€ incl. shipping

Haydn Huntley(emailed him through google group)
Carbon fibre arms --> 85€ incl. shipping <-- these are fantastic!

Smart effector and duetwifi --> 240€ incl. shipping

V6 hotend 24V, Titan Extruder 24V, Powersupply 24V 400W, 24V DC Fan 30x30 and 40x40, GT2 Pulley 16 Tooth x 3, GT2 Belt 5meters, Steppers E-MOTOR-NEMA17-47 x 3(1.8deg) -> 280 € incl. shipping

Heated bed
200 x 5mm almg3 Aluminium disc from metall-ehrnsberger from Ebay --> 30€ incl. shipping
24V silicone Heated Bed from wedo3dprinting on Ebay --> 30€ incl. shipping
Borosilicate Plate 200mm from blue_coffee2088 on Ebay --> 15€ incl. shipping
Wisamic PEI sheet 10" by 10", 0.8mm thick --> 20 eur incl. shipping

Other bits:
Socket Cap Bolts and nuts various M3 and M4. See DC42 for amounts and overview. I ordered too many smiling smiley
Endstops, Sintron on Amazon

In total, I will not sum it up, as I am totally happy with it! smiling smiley It is probably too much but essentially I sold my surfing kit in order to take up 3d printing as a hobby instead smiling smiley
Re: build own kossel vs anycubic kossel plus
December 28, 2017 02:45AM
@leif thank very much for sharing your that list. I only ask me why you use 1.8deg over 0.9 since the extra resolution its better for deltas.

Considering the money you spent I'm thinking advance with anycubic kossel plus and update some of the cheap parts and try to make a good printer from there =D
Re: build own kossel vs anycubic kossel plus
December 28, 2017 03:48AM
@mastervania Sounds like a good plan smiling smiley If what I know now, I would probably have gotten the Anycubic and updated later with a Duet, smarteffector, haydn arms and the V6.

In regards to steppers, I did not understand the difference in resolution starting off and so just bought a set of 1.8 degree motors initially for the build. I now have a set of 0.9 degree steppers and so will update them at some point when I get the time. I have a long list of pending small projects to further improve it, but at this stage I should probably get more hours into printingand build my experience in material type and different challenges in printing smiling smiley
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