Delta without vertices
April 10, 2018 10:31AM
I have designed a delta and am ordering materials for the build. It has 300mm printable bed and 1 meter uprights. The uprights are 2080 v-slots to give maximum carriage stability, 100 mm rod spacing and lateral strength. I did not want any of the frame to be printed, to maintain rigidity and maximum strength, so I am using 1/4" top and bottom plates and around the base plate more 2080 extrusion that will bolt to the uprights and the plate to give vertical stability. They will be cut on my 10" miter saw. They do not have to be machined as the will be tightened into place once the fame and bottom plate are squared up. I will be fabricating the bed and plates and have the aluminum. Right now I am trying to decide if its worth my time to build my own magnetic rods or buy them. If I get them custom made they are $125, but the standard sizes are not quite right for my printer. I calculate I need 334 mm arms. Any suggestions are appreciated.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/10/2018 10:33AM by cwaa.
open | download - Layout.docx (20.2 KB)
Re: Delta without vertices
April 11, 2018 01:25AM
Sounds like a Tevo. Keep us updated.
Re: Delta without vertices
April 20, 2018 11:10AM
After posting my design I got quite a bit of feed back. With that input I modified my design slightly going from 100mm rod spacing to 80 mm. I reduced the size of the verticals from 2080 to 2060. I have one piece of .25 aluminum 24" x24" for the top and bottom plates, a 13 x 13" .25 plate for the heated bed. From some left over .125 scrap I am making my carriage plates. I intend to do all of this build without outside machining or cutting.
The carriage plates were cut with a jig saw and then filed to final dimensions. The outside shape isn't critical. but the mounting holes for the magnetic balls and the wheels must be very accurate. So I built jigs for those plates and once the outside dimensions are close enough, I put the plates into the jug and drill.075 pilot holes for each hole. I will then drill the pilots out to the required hole size for each location.
open | download - Doc9.pdf (152.2 KB)
open | download - 2018-04-19 001small.jpg (203.5 KB)
Re: Delta without vertices
April 20, 2018 11:15AM
More pictures. The jig is printed so the hole guides are 3/4" deep and they will each only drill 3 holes so accuracy should stay very close.
open | download - 2018-04-19 002small.jpg (388.9 KB)
open | download - 2018-04-19 003small.jpg (381.2 KB)
open | download - 2018-04-19 004small.jpg (340.2 KB)
open | download - 2018-04-19 005small.jpg (344.5 KB)
Re: Delta without vertices
April 24, 2018 11:37AM
Slowly getting parts completed. The effector is now rough cut. I have the pattern glued to the heated bed .25" plate. My inside and outside carriage plates are done and the belt couplers are already to install on them. Got my v-slot order yesterday.
open | download - 20180423_162343.jpg (374.4 KB)
open | download - 20180423_162356.jpg (330.5 KB)
open | download - 20180423_162405.jpg (361.6 KB)
Re: Delta without vertices
May 02, 2018 10:10AM
More progress. All I need now is the top plate and I can start assembly!
open | download - 2018-05-01 001.jpg (381.9 KB)
open | download - 2018-05-01 002.jpg (366.8 KB)
open | download - 2018-05-01 003.jpg (383.3 KB)
Re: Delta without vertices
May 03, 2018 02:09AM
Those belt clamps look huge compared to the carrier plates.
Re: Delta without vertices
May 05, 2018 10:54AM
My design is somewhat unusual as I have the main carriage going up and down on the exterior of the machine. So I have a large carriage plate outside and a much smaller carriage plate inside to connect the rods. This allows the effector to move without hitting belts or the carriage. The picture shows the inside and smaller plates next to the couplers for the outside and larger plates.

Got the bottom plate finished.
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open | download - 20180504_145340.jpg (343.6 KB)
Re: Delta without vertices
May 16, 2018 11:14AM
Cutting horizontal members.
open | download - 2018-05-15 001.jpg (432.5 KB)
open | download - 2018-05-15 002.jpg (531.7 KB)
Re: Delta without vertices
May 18, 2018 08:42AM
The basis of the structural design and a heater.
open | download - parts 2018-05-17 001.jpg (387.1 KB)
open | download - parts 2018-05-17 002.jpg (453.4 KB)
open | download - parts 2018-05-17 005.jpg (456.4 KB)
Re: Delta without vertices
May 20, 2018 09:38AM
Tired of posting here and on this build. If you want to follow try this link. []
Re: Delta without vertices
May 21, 2018 01:14PM
So I have been using something simillar for a while. Although I got my frame laser cut in steel for around USD 7.34 which included the price of the steel. Attaching the photo of the printer
open | download - IMG_20180503_235800.jpg (447.8 KB)
open | download - IMG_20180503_235305.jpg (444.8 KB)
Re: Delta without vertices
May 22, 2018 02:45AM
Nice design, I must admit I like the fact that the metal plate is mostly hollow !
Re: Delta without vertices
May 22, 2018 06:33AM
I figured as the centre top section is kind of pointless, and would have added to the weight making it top heavy.
Re: Delta without vertices
May 23, 2018 10:25AM
Nice job, but too expensive for me to do.
Re: Delta without vertices
May 23, 2018 10:26AM
I don't understand.
Re: Delta without vertices
June 16, 2018 01:03PM
A little more progress
open | download - 2018-06-15 001.jpg (381.3 KB)
open | download - 2018-06-15 002.jpg (472.9 KB)
Re: Delta without vertices
June 17, 2018 01:47AM
Looks very solid!
One of the belt idlers looks already bent. You plan to cover the screw and support it both sides?
Re: Delta without vertices
June 17, 2018 06:15AM
No, it is not bent. I intend to trim the screw when complete.
Re: Delta without vertices
July 01, 2018 12:46PM
Motors work!
open | download - 2018-06-15 002.jpg (472.9 KB)
Re: Delta without vertices
July 01, 2018 03:08PM
Have a Duet Network installed and waiting on effector sensor.
open | download - 20180701_095757.jpg (459.6 KB)
Re: Delta without vertices
July 18, 2018 12:42PM
Testing and calibration
open | download - 2018-07-15 001.jpg (888 KB)
Re: Delta without vertices
September 04, 2018 12:49PM
How are you finding the 2060 to work out? I can see there being no movement along the 60 direction, but how about the 20 direction? I'm thinking of changing my build from the Robotdigg vertices to similar and am thinking 4060 may give more stability.
Re: Delta without vertices
September 07, 2018 11:09AM
If you look at the triangles formed, no matter what direction you choose, it's opposite a 2060 in that direction.
Re: Delta without vertices
September 15, 2018 11:43AM
Finally up and running. Calibration cube shows high z dimension. How is the z axis adjusted. X and y are fine.
open | download - 2018-09-14 003.jpg (121.2 KB)
Re: Delta without vertices
September 15, 2018 01:40PM
You have incorrect steps per mm. That is the reason why your Z dimension is wrong.

If your XY dimension is fine (while having wrong Z dimension) then you have also incorrect both delta radius and diagonal rod.
Re: Delta without vertices
September 23, 2018 03:18PM
This is a 50 x50 mm calibration cube. It looks pretty small on the aluminum bed.
open | download - 2018-09-23 002x.jpg (773.3 KB)
Re: Delta without vertices
January 09, 2020 10:38PM
Hi Prateek,

I just came across this post and I am trying to get an aluminum heat bed for my delta printer. Was wondering where did you get your heat bed in India?


So I have been using something simillar for a while. Although I got my frame laser cut in steel for around USD 7.34 which included the price of the steel. Attaching the photo of the printer
Re: Delta without vertices
January 12, 2020 09:27PM

you can always make a a custom bed easily. Use nichrome wire ( available with all electronics/electrical shops) embedded in liquid silicone gasket( available at all vehicle spare shops). or u can use silicone blanket heating wire taped to the bottom with polymide tape. Calculate the resistance according to the voltage and wattage needed. All my custom printers use silcone blanket wire and it works just fine.
Re: Delta without vertices
January 13, 2020 05:29AM
Can you provide som links for suitable liquid silicone products?
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