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Get the information

Posted by winterlion 
Get the information
October 19, 2018 02:38PM
I just bought this Anycubic Upgraded Kossel Pulley and like everyone else I can't get it to work.
Originally, during the autoleveling the Z probe would bore into the bed. So, I YouTubed seeking a solution I found it in Da Hai's video (https://youtu.be/GF6ZGKOuzhY) and I did download Marlin firmware 1.1.9 and Da Hai's adjustments to the Marlin firmware but I didn't get the important information from my OEM installed firmware. I flashed the Marlin 1.1.9 with the mods from Da Hai but once I realized what I needed I tried to flash the OEM firmware from Anycubic's website. So, now I was okay except that it was a different
Firmware but now it did not autolevel at all.

At this point, I emailed the website where I purchased the 3D printer (3Dprinterbay.com) and told them I was having trouble with the printer and they emailed Anycubic. Anycubic emailed me two files a clear the EEPROM and firmware in Hex format that I flashed using Cura 15.04.6.

My question now is: how do I pull the information from the board so that I can use the newest Marlin firmware 1.1.9.
I know that I have a Trigorilla motherboard because that's what the board says
1 Extruder but I don't know what brand/model of steppers I have the steppers don't have a label on them
Steps per mm = 1.8° per mm (?)
Endstop positions
Probes and Probing settings
LCD controller brand and model
Re: Get the information
October 21, 2018 04:20AM
I took a look into that Marlin version...1.ast Prob its edited for a Kossel Pulley..so as you said..all the Parameters are wrong. You could open the version that was delivered with your printer, but as its an old version and there are so many changes since than, its pain in the ass to find all the parameters you need.

I used with the Trigorilla Board the 1.1.8 from Emilio: Delta FW
Open it and you will see, that its had some header with multiple choices..very easy to config.
Re: Get the information
October 26, 2018 11:03AM
Copy the config files from Marlin/example_configurations/delta/Anycubic/Kossel firmware folder to the main directory. Read through and uncomment the linear plus, set the heated bed if you have it and probe options.

I am just setting up a linear plus, had good success with the small pulley version. I found the probe length needs be be adjusted by 1mm or so.
Install firmware, run initialize eeprom, then install probe, prepare->delta calibration->auto calibrate. it runs 8 times. then store delta calibration.
then run bed level. store.
remove probe. using software run the printer head down close to the bed. if is says z = 0mm increase delta height in delta settings. if it runs into the bed before you hit 0mm decrease the height.
using a piece of paper as a gauge, you should be able to slide paper below the nozzle at 0mm with little resistance.

attached are my config files. marline version 1.1.9

Good Luck.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/26/2018 11:04AM by cshunt.
open | download - Configuration.h (80.6 KB)
open | download - Configuration_adv.h (67.5 KB)
Re: Get the information
April 05, 2019 01:11PM
I purchased a used Anycubic Kossel Delta (pulley version)
I would like to upgrade it to Marlin 1.1.9. It currently has 1.1.0.
It has a BL Touch sensor on it.. It is printing on, however, the X and Y dimensions are off.. Z is spot on (using a 20x20x20 cube.
Also, the leveling is off, even tho it levels the bed before it prints.If you were to print a circle the area in the 2:00 position gets very thin IE a brim for example.

I would like to upgrade it, but don't want to break it by doing something wrong..This is why I am asking for help..

Thank you
Re: Get the information
April 05, 2019 01:56PM
I purchased a used Anycubic Kossel Delta (pulley version)
It has a BL Touch sensor on it..
Also, the leveling is off, even tho it levels the bed before it prints.If you were to print a circle the area in the 2:00 position gets very thin IE a brim for example.

Unfortunately you are most unlikely to get good results on a delta using a Z probe that is significantly offset form the nozzle. This is because any slight geometric error in your build will cause the effector to tilt as it moves in the XY plane; and any tilt along the line joining the nozzle and the Z probe changes the relative heights of the Z probe and the nozzle. This in turn changes the apparent trigger height of the Z probe. For example, if the probe is 18mm offset for the nozzle then a 1 degree change in tilt will change the apparent trigger height by 0.3mm. That is why using the BLTouch to do auto calibration or to probe or bed compensation isn't giving you good results.

Things you can do to improve this:

- Mount a circular spirit level on the effector, so that you can see how the tilt varies with XY position. Then fix the geometric errors that are causing the tilt. See [duet3d.dozuki.com] for a list of the main reasons (ignore the rest of that page - your firmware doesn't support least squares auto calibration).
- Replace the BLTouch by a probe that can be mounted very close to the nozzle, or (preferably) a probe that uses the nozzle as the probe (e.g. Smart Effector, FSRs under the bed, piezos under the bed, piezo or switch mounted on effector).

It is printing on, however, the X and Y dimensions are off.. Z is spot on (using a 20x20x20 cube.

The geometric errors that are causing tilt are probably responsible for this too. Unless you can fix these errors, in Marlin I think the only way to adjust the XY scaling is to alter the individual rod lengths in the firmware configuration.

Large delta printer [miscsolutions.wordpress.com], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [duet3d.com].
Re: Get the information
April 05, 2019 02:21PM
There is about a 25mm offset between the extruder and the BL Touch sensor... I have the "original;" sensor that came with the printer.. The person I got the printer from said "it wasn't working" but I am not sure..
Re: Get the information
April 06, 2019 04:05AM
I added XY scaling compensation to Repetier AVR branch: [github.com]

Notice that it helps only partially since the scaling error is not linear.
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