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I'm building a delta printer but some problems i have

Posted by ttgiegi 
I'm building a delta printer but some problems i have
June 04, 2019 08:52AM
Hi guys!
As the topic.I'm trying to make a delta printer.and there is a strange problem with It.I'm useing arduino mega2560 as a controller ramps 1.4 drv8825 for xyz axis and a reprap lcd2004 smart controller.when I'm trying to run a gcode file in the SD card the screen will become steange when i turn the button the name of files will become messy code and If i chose one of them the printer will move completely wrong.The firmware is marlin 1.1.9.I really need your help.This question has confused me really long.Thank yiu guys
Re: I'm building a delta printer but some problems i have
June 04, 2019 08:56AM
I'm also useing a electric relay to connect to ramps to control the power supply and get a 5v from ramps for the relay.Is that a problem?
Re: I'm building a delta printer but some problems i have
June 04, 2019 09:13AM
this is my card and It works will on my corexy printer with lcd12864 controller
open | download - 5f386f4281cb85e6.jpg (194.8 KB)
Re: I'm building a delta printer but some problems i have
June 04, 2019 01:07PM
Using 8-bit electronics to drive a Delta printer is a big mistake IMO. Adding a graphics LCD makes it even worse. There just isn't enough CPU power to get this combination working well. But I hear that it's not impossible if you have modest expectations for print speed and you tune the system well, so I expect other will chip in with more help than I can offer.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/04/2019 01:08PM by dc42.

Large delta printer [miscsolutions.wordpress.com], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [duet3d.com].
Re: I'm building a delta printer but some problems i have
June 04, 2019 05:26PM
My data point with 8 bit electronics.
You can print 120 mm/s, 9000 mm/s², 250 mm/s non-printing moves. Use 80 segments per second, Repetier firmware. No LCD. The printer is "small" (dimensions below 65535 microsteps). I do not know whether adding LCD will force you to lower speed and segments per second. But you can go down to 40 mm/s and segments per second of only about 30.

I do not have any experiences with SD cards and relays. No help there from me. I always control my 3d printer from an old laptop through an USB cable. Laptop screen is a much better LCD than any 3dPrinter dedicated LCD anyway smiling smiley

That being said, get 32 bit electronics if you have money. If you don't have money then build only cartesian printers. It is cheaper, easier to calibrate and will print well as quickly as most people print with their deltas on this forum (e.g. around 40 mm/s, 4000 mm/s²).
Re: I'm building a delta printer but some problems i have
June 04, 2019 08:14PM
so It is all because of my arduino mega 2560?I searched on the Internet and I found a delta printer of anycubic the cup is also atmega2560.It seems work well.Anyway i will try to flash a marlin1.1.8 download from Twingiverse for delta printed and see If things become better....
Re: I'm building a delta printer but some problems i have
June 04, 2019 08:20PM
I get It.I will reflash the firmware and try again.I havs built 5 ordinary printers.And i think kossel is very interesting and charming.Maybe i will buy a 32 bit board for it..
Re: I'm building a delta printer but some problems i have
June 05, 2019 04:50AM
It may be because of arduino 2560 being rather slow for a delta printer. You may have some other problems as well.

But you can run a delta printer with 8 bit board. You just need to be more careful about not wasting MCU time with crap like e.g. way too high segments per second or high LCD refresh rate.
Re: I'm building a delta printer but some problems i have
June 05, 2019 10:32AM
I downloaded a firmware changed by others for anycubic kossel and it's based on Marlin 1.1.8.Things became better than before I noticed that the value of segment is 100.The version I change before is 200.At least I can select a file from SD card unmeant and there isn't messy code.On the other hand when the program is running the printer will stop random and after a while it will shut itself down then I have to reboot it.Then I tried to adjust segment value from 100 to 60 or 50.It can work but not fluent with delay.Then I tried 30 but seems useless.About SD card I can't see the files in it.It will show No sd card on the screen I need to repeated replugging the card then I can see files.So it means if I need to use this firmware for my delta printer i will have to use a better MCU.I use this SD card on my corexy printer with Arduino mega2560 and it's perfect.I will buy a 32 bit board and try again.Thanks

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/05/2019 12:18PM by ttgiegi.
Re: I'm building a delta printer but some problems i have
June 05, 2019 02:07PM
You can try Repetier too. And there may be other firmwares.
I used Marlin in the far past and it worked too. No LCD. I did not use SD card.
Re: I'm building a delta printer but some problems i have
June 05, 2019 10:37PM
It can work well when I connect to my computer.And I have ordered a new board for It hope will work better.The part list of my delta was written several years ago maybe arduino mega2560 with lcd2004 can work well if i use old firmware but you know without auto calibration it will take much more time to make It work ...
Re: I'm building a delta printer but some problems i have
June 06, 2019 12:18AM
I'm thinking about that If I can use an Arduino due r3 as a controller for delta printer?If Marlin firmware can be used directly...or need some more sets for it?
Re: I'm building a delta printer but some problems i have
June 06, 2019 04:29AM
You can use this to calibrate 8 bit board well:
Well, you can use a different firmware but the firmware must report delta (tower) coordinates at a probing point.

Your RAMPS shield will not work with Arduino Due. You would need to replace both Arduino and the shield. An integrated solution may be cheaper then.
Re: I'm building a delta printer but some problems i have
June 06, 2019 05:33AM
repetier seems easy to be used.I will have a try maybe It will work.Thank you for your help!
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