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He3d K200 Question

Posted by PastorHealer 
He3d K200 Question
August 01, 2019 09:17PM
I just picked up this printer and at the same time, figuring out all the basics of a Delta. I've never used
one before. I am very familiar with 3d printing on the regular machines.

I'm not afraid to figure things out myself, but I can't find an answer to the very basic question I have
right now.

When I use Repetier and home the machine, the slides go all the way until they hit the switches. What
I don't understand is why the Z axis stays up against the switch and the other two axis's lower themselves
by about a 1/2".

I am yet to find any website which has any step by step instructions for this printer. Mainly what all the
menu items are.

Anyway, I'm a newbie for the Deltas. Please have patience.

So, the question of the day for me is: Should (Home) on Repetier send the slides up against the switches
and then hold them there? If not, any suggestions as to where I go from here would be great.

Thanks much
Re: He3d K200 Question
August 01, 2019 11:11PM
I just picked up this printer and at the same time, figuring out all the basics of a Delta. I've never used
one before. I am very familiar with 3d printing on the regular machines.

I'm not afraid to figure things out myself, but I can't find an answer to the very basic question I have
right now.

When I use Repetier and home the machine, the slides go all the way until they hit the switches. What
I don't understand is why the Z axis stays up against the switch and the other two axis's lower themselves
by about a 1/2".

I am yet to find any website which has any step by step instructions for this printer. Mainly what all the
menu items are.

Anyway, I'm a newbie for the Deltas. Please have patience.

So, the question of the day for me is: Should (Home) on Repetier send the slides up against the switches
and then hold them there? If not, any suggestions as to where I go from here would be great.

Thanks much

Yes, G28 (Home) should put the carriages up against the end stop, bounce back and then go hit the end stops again and stay there.
I had issues with the original Repetier on our HE3D K200 and replaced it with Marlin 1.1.8. We never connected the "auto leveling" sensor since that looked too cheesy for words.
After a few prints the hot end totally jammed, we cleared it, it jammed again and I replaced the heat break with a similar "all metal" heat break. The printer has worked a gem from then on.


Kits: Folgertech Kossel 2020 upgraded E3Dv6, Anet A8 upgraded E3Dv6, Tevo Tarantula enhanced parts and dual-head, TronXY X5SA Pro(E3DHemera).
Scratch: Large bed Cartesian, exchangeable heads, Linear slide Delta, Maker-Beam XL Micro Delta, 220x220CoreXY.
Re: He3d K200 Question
August 02, 2019 12:07AM
Thank you DLC for your comments. I guess I still don't know what to do though. Are you saying I should change
to Marlin in order to fix this issue or is it you didn't find a fix?

And yes, the auto leveling sensor is pretty cheesy. I haven't gotten to that point yet. I will come up with a better
design after I get the top end working.

Thanks again
Re: He3d K200 Question
August 02, 2019 12:24AM
Thank you DLC for your comments. I guess I still don't know what to do though. Are you saying I should change
to Marlin in order to fix this issue or is it you didn't find a fix?

And yes, the auto leveling sensor is pretty cheesy. I haven't gotten to that point yet. I will come up with a better
design after I get the top end working.

Thanks again

I had other problems with my K200, mostly like you, no clue what version it was and my slicer didn't appear to work with it. Since I had already gotten another delta working with Marlin, I "dropped back and punted" and installed Marlin on the K200, hacked a couple of lines of code and was off and running. You could say I abandoned Repetier without much of a fight...
So, I have no useful experience with Repetier on this or any other printer, only with flavors of Marlin.

I will say this though, I manually leveled the bed, connected up to Octopi on a Raspberry Pi 4B and this printer works like a champ with CURA and Simplify3D, stock. Er, with the replacement heat break anyway. smiling smiley

If you do reach the "I give up" phase, I can give you my Marlin 1.1.8 setup - You will have to configure Z-height, since there is always a mm or so difference between different printers.
Configuring Z-height is one of the two "bogeymen" of delta printer setups compared to the Cartesian printers. The other one is bed-leveling "flatness".


Kits: Folgertech Kossel 2020 upgraded E3Dv6, Anet A8 upgraded E3Dv6, Tevo Tarantula enhanced parts and dual-head, TronXY X5SA Pro(E3DHemera).
Scratch: Large bed Cartesian, exchangeable heads, Linear slide Delta, Maker-Beam XL Micro Delta, 220x220CoreXY.
Re: He3d K200 Question
August 02, 2019 12:34PM
Thank you for the offer to help with a Marlin setup.

I guess my original question hasn't been answered yet. And I'm not speaking this to you DLC to answer it.

When I press "Home All" on Repetier, the three axis's go up, hit the end switches, drop a bit and only the Z
axis goes back and presses the switch.

The other two axis's stay below their respective switches. They are almost touching the switch arms.

My question is why is this happening? Is this a firmware issue? Settings from the panel?

Even if I hit home on the control panel I get the same results.

Thanks for the help
Re: He3d K200 Question
August 03, 2019 12:45PM
I found the problem and wanted to post it here so others might have a fix.

In Repetier, (Alt E) pulled up the firmware settings. I noticed the max end stops were messed

Tower X max endstop
Tower Y max endstop
Tower Z max endstop

The z was blank
The other two had values in the 200's

I removed those two values and the Home All now works perfectly
Re: He3d K200 Question
August 05, 2019 11:41AM
Yay team! Good find.


Kits: Folgertech Kossel 2020 upgraded E3Dv6, Anet A8 upgraded E3Dv6, Tevo Tarantula enhanced parts and dual-head, TronXY X5SA Pro(E3DHemera).
Scratch: Large bed Cartesian, exchangeable heads, Linear slide Delta, Maker-Beam XL Micro Delta, 220x220CoreXY.
Re: He3d K200 Question
August 08, 2019 03:06AM
In Repetier, for calibration you use Endstop Offsets in EEPROM to level the Printbed. Once you have Endstop Offsets set, the Carriage will come down after G28 to get the effector centered...

Kind regards

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/08/2019 03:06AM by Protoprinter.

Deltadrucker, Tantillus Reborn by Toolson/Protoprinter, meine kommerzielle Webseite
Re: He3d K200 Question
August 11, 2019 08:35PM

Here are those files that you asked for in the PM for your K200 Marlin build.


Kits: Folgertech Kossel 2020 upgraded E3Dv6, Anet A8 upgraded E3Dv6, Tevo Tarantula enhanced parts and dual-head, TronXY X5SA Pro(E3DHemera).
Scratch: Large bed Cartesian, exchangeable heads, Linear slide Delta, Maker-Beam XL Micro Delta, 220x220CoreXY.
open | download - HE3DMarlin_configs.zip (44 KB)
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