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TMC 'Silent StepSticks' 12v vs 24v noise

Posted by rmurphy 
TMC 'Silent StepSticks' 12v vs 24v noise
April 19, 2020 03:15PM
I currently have TMC2208s and its certainly quieter but there is still a relative humming noise when the moving fast during a print. Each stepper on it's own I can hardly hear so I'm guessing the hum is the combined noise and maybe a little from the belts / pulleys / rails..

I wondered if there was much improvement upgrading to 24v? A youtube video would be great but I cant find any.

Re: TMC 'Silent StepSticks' 12v vs 24v noise
April 19, 2020 06:15PM
Most likely noise coming from your belts engaging the pulleys. I didn't notice any change in stepper noise when I upgraded to 24V.
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