I've built a little Stewart-Gough hexapod platform with 6 steppers and a Rumba32 board. So far I have it built and Marlin drives all the motors properly. I had thought I would be able to run stock Marlin as a motor driver, and pass 6-motor move instructions as G-code from another piece of software that would handle the kinematics calculations. But, the extruder axes can apparently only be driven simultaneously via mixing instructions, and there's no homing. What's currently the best way to get a 6DoF platform working with a Rumba32 board?
A couple of other possibilities I'm exploring:
Figuring out how to port Marginally Clever's Stewart Platform firmware from the 8-bit Rumba to the Rumba32. It seems like it ought to be straightforward but I'm having trouble finding a resource that I can use to learn how to do it. It looks like PlatformIO should be the right direction?
Trying to get DerAndere1's 6DoF Marlin fork working on my board. I don't know how to marge those differences into the latest bugfix version to get it working, I'm not sure if that's even a thing.
Anyone know of a better idea than these that I should be exploring instead, or able to point me to a guide I can use to pursue one of the paths I've identified? Thanks in advance.