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Delta Kossel K800XL - calibration Z - Crash/Reboot printer

Posted by Dgils 
Delta Kossel K800XL - calibration Z - Crash/Reboot printer
March 01, 2021 06:19PM

I have a Kossel K800XL (no name chinise copy)
I'm facing this issue :

When I use calibrate Z on my Delta. it start to go down and stop around 10 cm after home (g28) and printer reboot/crash.
my card is an mega 2560 + ramp 1.4 + A4988 (not sure for TMC)
Marlin is Marlin-bugfix2650-1.1.x

If I use G29, it's working
If I go up to the 0 with Gcode, it's working
If i use auto bed leveling from printer itself, it's working.

IF needed I can make a video
and if needed I can provide configuration.H and adv.h file
if You need something more I did not provide say me i will provide it.

The second thing I encounter is less problematic but maybe it's connected :
When head is mouving on X and/or Y axe, sometime there is quick jump in the move.

it's not loss of theeth on gear of motor and the band remain hard on all 3 tower.
Same as other I can make a video if neccessary.

Thank for your assistance

Re: Delta Kossel K800XL - calibration Z - Crash/Reboot printer
March 02, 2021 10:47AM
Have you checked that the probe triggers properly with M119 when you press ok it with your finger? [marlinfw.org]
Re: Delta Kossel K800XL - calibration Z - Crash/Reboot printer
March 02, 2021 01:16PM
Yes i check this too.
all 4 trigger are working fine.
when I make a bed levelling with G29 and from printer menu it's working fine.
Printer reboot without trigger do not touch anything during the going down process
Re: Delta Kossel K800XL - calibration Z - Crash/Reboot printer
March 02, 2021 01:28PM
What happens if you manually trigger the probe with your hand during calibration? I'm thinking like half way between the bed and the probe when homed.
Re: Delta Kossel K800XL - calibration Z - Crash/Reboot printer
March 02, 2021 02:10PM
I just checked.
it does not take count of it, it seem to go down always 16cm quickly first and slowly and printer reboot
Re: Delta Kossel K800XL - calibration Z - Crash/Reboot printer
March 02, 2021 02:22PM
It should have stopped when your hand triggered the probe. I haven't heard of "Marlin-bugfix2650-1.1.x". In the releases I used, there would be a "PROBE FAIL" or like message, not a reboot. I would try Marlin [github.com] If your current config is not compatible you could try the Kossel XL config from Marlin as a starting place [github.com]
Re: Delta Kossel K800XL - calibration Z - Crash/Reboot printer
March 03, 2021 03:12PM
oki, I took marlin + config and config adv from kosell XL.
grrrr, now the homing act strangelly. only 1 motor going down as it should goes up for homing....arg
Re: Delta Kossel K800XL - calibration Z - Crash/Reboot printer
March 03, 2021 03:23PM
Try flipping the connector for the motor (the one going backwards) around on the RAMPS board.
Re: Delta Kossel K800XL - calibration Z - Crash/Reboot printer
March 03, 2021 03:52PM
i added 2650 in the name
real name is :
ok I dl marlin with your link.
Problem in menu there is no more calibrate Z option after auto home...
Re: Delta Kossel K800XL - calibration Z - Crash/Reboot printer
March 03, 2021 03:55PM
Are you using the Kossel XL example config? If so you probably need to uncomment DELTA_AUTO_CALIBRATION in Configuration.h
Re: Delta Kossel K800XL - calibration Z - Crash/Reboot printer
March 03, 2021 04:02PM
it's enabled :

// Enable DELTA kinematics and most of the default configuration for Deltas
#define DELTA


// Make delta curves from many straight lines (linear interpolation).
// This is a trade-off between visible corners (not enough segments)
// and processor overload (too many expensive sqrt calls).

// Convert feedrates to apply to the Effector instead of the Carriages

// After homing move down to a height where XY movement is unconstrained

// Delta calibration menu
// uncomment to add three points calibration menu option.
// See [minow.blogspot.com]

// uncomment to add G33 Delta Auto-Calibration (Enable EEPROM_SETTINGS to store results)

// NOTE NB all values for DELTA_* values MUST be floating point, so always have a decimal point in them

// set the default number of probe points : n*n (1 -> 7)
Re: Delta Kossel K800XL - calibration Z - Crash/Reboot printer
March 03, 2021 04:24PM
That's strange. I looked at the code, the only things that I can see those menu items need are DELTA_CALIBRATION_MENU and that the axis is homed. Is it just Z that is missing or is X, Y, Center also missing?
Re: Delta Kossel K800XL - calibration Z - Crash/Reboot printer
March 03, 2021 04:25PM
all are missing
Re: Delta Kossel K800XL - calibration Z - Crash/Reboot printer
March 03, 2021 04:26PM
The best I can come up with is that the printer doesn't think it's homed. Have you checked the endstops with M119 since installing
Re: Delta Kossel K800XL - calibration Z - Crash/Reboot printer
March 03, 2021 04:29PM
for information if I use config .h of the one I create the topic, I have the menu calibrate ... but I also have issue
Re: Delta Kossel K800XL - calibration Z - Crash/Reboot printer
March 03, 2021 04:39PM

yes they are triggered

Reporting endstop status
x_max: open
z_min: open
z_max: open
>>> m119
Reporting endstop status
x_max: open
y_max: open
z_min: open
z_max: open
>>> m119
Reporting endstop status
y_max: open
z_min: open
z_max: open
>>> m119
Reporting endstop status
x_max: open
y_max: open
z_min: open
>>> m119
Reporting endstop status
x_max: open
y_max: open
z_max: open
Re: Delta Kossel K800XL - calibration Z - Crash/Reboot printer
March 03, 2021 04:40PM
maybe someone with a delta kossel... maybe not a xl can send me config + config adv file
Re: Delta Kossel K800XL - calibration Z - Crash/Reboot printer
March 03, 2021 04:42PM
There are a lot to choose from here [github.com]
Re: Delta Kossel K800XL - calibration Z - Crash/Reboot printer
March 03, 2021 04:44PM
if I change the height in marling it's not taken in count when I upload marlin in printer
Re: Delta Kossel K800XL - calibration Z - Crash/Reboot printer
March 03, 2021 04:45PM
Did you reset the EEPROM or load defaults?
Re: Delta Kossel K800XL - calibration Z - Crash/Reboot printer
March 03, 2021 05:11PM
I made an initialise eeprom
now i have menu move on axes XY and move on Z plus some other option but still not calibrate axes Z
Re: Delta Kossel K800XL - calibration Z - Crash/Reboot printer
March 04, 2021 09:42AM
what I have done, is this :
start with your marlin advise marlin1.1.9.1
use config+adv.h file
modify them as they do not integrate the minimum of delta setting....(none of all marlin have config.h setup for a delta....)
FOr info I try to dl config +adv h you provided me as a link, but there is no dl option, I need to copy them in a file and rename file.
initialise eeprom
G33 for delta calibration
M500 to save data.

as this is not acailable in majority of marlin and when available it reboot printer.

calibrate Z is made manually.

I try to simulate print of a cube 10mm without plastic
It seem to work, printer start from 0 and finish without error.

I find another issue
extrude motor is not turning but turning left/right movement, but I will open a new topic

even if not solved thank you for all advise and assistance on this issue
Re: Delta Kossel K800XL - calibration Z - Crash/Reboot printer
March 08, 2021 08:07PM
Hi, I also have a Delta and I also use Marlin I'm new in the world of 3d printing but made a lot of progress by myself.

"modify them as they do not integrate the minimum of delta setting...." Did you tried to use the provided file (congif+adv.h) from Marlin that are already "mostly" preconfigured for Delta printer ? You can find them in the "exemple" folder--> Delta-->(the model you want).

I don't know if it may help you, but the fastest and more reliable way I found to calibrate my printer is this:

1) manually zero X,Y,Z axes (limit swtich activated) then mesure with a ruler from the nozzle tip to the bed and enter the Z_Height in donfig.h
2) uplaod in RAMPS, initialize from the LCD
3) Connect Repetiers-Host, hit "home" and after the sequence, I find the real zero with a paper. The remaining Z in Repetiers is substract from the initial Z_Height in Marlin and I update the Z Height in marlin.
4) I redo 2 and 3. If I get zero with the paper test, then I go to the next step.
5) From Repetiers, I "home", then from the LCD, I select auto calibration.
6) When finished, on the LCD in Delta settings, the is the new data about: Z_Height, Ex, Ey, Ez, Radius, Tx, Ty, Tz, Radius-Rod. I hit "save configuration"(I don't remember the real name), followed by "load config." from the LCD menu and change all the appropriate config in Marlin so it become permanent at every loading.
7) upload from Marlin with the new config, validate with what I've written on a paper.
8) I redo 3, but now I probe many place on the bed and adjust it manually so every probed place are "zeroed".
9) lunch a print.

If you still have problem with your config and config_adv, let me know and I'll send you a copy of the one I'm using.
Re: Delta Kossel K800XL - calibration Z - Crash/Reboot printer
March 12, 2021 07:41PM

thank for information,

i have done as you said, but wanted to know why I encounter this issue.
So now I will say it's solved.

Problem is now I have extruder motor not turning.
I open a new post for this. with all what I already done
If you have good tips, like maybe inverting extruder 1 and 2 even if I do not have a second extruder...I take
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