Due to the multiple covid lockdowns here in India, and the free time I had. I started to build a new "parts bin" delta printer. I've been printing since 2012 when I bought the Ultimaker Original and later designed and built a small delta which is my work horse. I had collected a lot of parts over the years and decided to build another slightly larger delta printer. Barring the Extrusions, the belts and a new printed effector, all the parts came out from the parts bin I had lying around. While the corners were printed on my work horse.
Its by no means a perfect printer. I'm still trying to smooth vibrations during quick infill moves, but if the external surfaces are printed with a 60mm speed there is little to no affect on the quality of the prints.
I'm using custom designed carriage, laser cut with a 5mm carbon steel sheet and uses the mini-v wheel. This was originally for my other printer, but I've migrated to rails on that one and I had these lying around. The effector has been printed on a HP MJF so as to maintain consistency on the distance between the carbon fiber rods. The vertical towers are 700mm v-slots. Rod ends are from the openscad files by Haydn Huntley and printed in ABS and smooth to a shine using a 10mm ball nose bit and some ptfe grease added for extra smooth movements. The hotend is an all metal one which is screw mounted, this was from before e3d started selling these, infact this was bought even before the v6 hotend was launched. This hotend came with a v5 titanium heatbreak and a solid copper block. Though I'm using an original e3d .4 mm brass nozzle. The extruder is a e3d titan knockoff. The bed is square bed which was bought for the old ultimaker that is lying defunct now. Due to lockdowns I was unable to buy locally or import a round bed, but the square one with plain float glass top works perfectly for the time being. And a bltouch for Auto leveling / delta calibrations. Also using the 8 diode TL-smoothers, no reason apart from the fact that I had them lying around
The brain is a pi3 a+ and a skr 1.1 running Klipper firmware with SD6128 stepper drivers at 1/64 so super silent. I even have the anti vibration connectors for the motors.
I'm hoping the print the corners from pet-g or something stiffer, this non brand PLA which I used to print the corners and other parts are not the best. I'm also planning to upgrade to a direct drive e3d Titan aero or a e3d Hemera in the near future. Running klippers pressure advance does help a lot, but I'd like to test a direct drive.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/30/2021 02:39PM by lohiaprateek.