Interesting Video - Delta Robot
July 22, 2011 07:00AM
I just spotted this on youtube. It looks a really neat project and is also arduino based.

M&M sorter
Re: Interesting Video - Delta Robot
October 11, 2011 04:32PM
I like it!
Re: Interesting Video - Delta Robot
May 30, 2012 04:38AM
Neat machine indeed! Not suitable for RepRap'ing though since the resolution is enough for what it should do but otherwise quite course. Wich also raises the question: Do we REALLY need the resolution for our own repstapping projects ? winking smiley
Re: Interesting Video - Delta Robot
May 30, 2012 08:09AM
Yes the quest for ever greater resolution for FDM can be a bit of a waste. After all its really the extrusion of the molten plastic that is the restriction on a cartesian reprap in XY. The Z axis can cause some problems.

It looks like there are a few delta robots in the pipeline that may be setup for FDM. It will be interesting to see the parts they produce. My guess is that it wont be linear dimension problems, but twisting and bowing of the parts that will be the biggest issue.
Re: Interesting Video - Delta Robot
May 30, 2012 12:25PM
martinprice2004 Wrote:
> It looks like there are a few delta robots in the
> pipeline that may be setup for FDM. It will be
> interesting to see the parts they produce. My
> guess is that it wont be linear dimension
> problems, but twisting and bowing of the parts
> that will be the biggest issue.

Our's (Thorsten and mine) still doesn't print... Twisting and bending sure is an issue that shouldn't be taken light-hearted. In our design i explicitly took my time for a good calibration setup to minimise those effects to the min. But reality will tell in the end! smiling smiley
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