Anyone interested in T2.5 timing belt? I am located in Australia.
March 15, 2010 01:29AM

Going to bulk buy some T2.5 timing belt from China.
(because I am fed up paying $70 for 3m)

If this comes through I will resell 5M for $25 Australian Dollars. Plus postage and packaging (i.e. Whatever Australia post charge me.)

Anyone interested?



P.s At the moment 1USD$ is about 0.92 Aus$

edited May 11th 2010: Adjusted 5 Meters price - Sorry

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 05/11/2010 08:40AM by stephen george.
Re: Anyone interested in T2.5 timing belt? I am located in Australia.
March 15, 2010 04:49PM
Since you aren't selling plastic Mendel parts, wouldn't this post fit better in the "Vitamins" forum?

Also, can anyone print 2.5 mm pullies yet? I thought 5 was the limit for reliability.
Re: Anyone interested in T2.5 timing belt? I am located in Australia.
March 15, 2010 08:02PM
WADE said
Since you aren't selling plastic Mendel parts, wouldn't this post fit better in the "Vitamins" forum?

I say
opps sorry. hmm how do I move this?

WADE said
Also, can anyone print 2.5 mm pullies yet? I thought 5 was the limit for reliability.

I say
Interesting. I have been using the pullies that came in the Bit from Bytes V2 set. T2.5 timing belt also came with the kit. Hense me sourcing this part.
I have not tried to print a cog yet. I suspect I will have to get a sheet of cogs made up using ponoko . com until the reprap resolution improves.

Wade thanks for the heads up. I will have to make sure anyone who buys this part knows that the reprap is not able to print cogs. (at this time)


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