Disposable Polymorph Supports
July 16, 2012 04:57AM
Has anyone tried extruding polymorph alongside ABS or PLA to provide temporary support structures for prints which can then be removed in boiling water?

I was considering adding a second extruder to my printer to do this sort of thing but I wanted to know if it would work first.

Thanks, Dan
Re: Disposable Polymorph Supports
July 16, 2012 06:24AM
Polycaprolactone is like nylon when it sets so I don't think anything will stick to it.

Re: Disposable Polymorph Supports
July 16, 2012 06:34AM
That's a shame.
If it is still slightly molten when ABS is extruded onto it on the next layer then would it stick?

Otherwise what's the best option for removable/soluble supports? PVA?
Re: Disposable Polymorph Supports
July 16, 2012 06:39AM
Just found out that PVA won't stick with ABS, useless for me.
Someone suggested HIPS?
Re: Disposable Polymorph Supports
July 16, 2012 07:03AM
I don't know if ABS would stick to PCL when hot. It will melt the surface of the PCL because of its low melting point. My guess is it wouldn't stick, but that is only a guess, it would need an experiment to be sure.

PLA can be used as support for ABS and be dissolved with caustic soda. It becomes like jelly in hot water so you can probably peel it off if it is accessible. I have read over time it breaks down in just hot water.

Hips is used commercially for break away support for ABS. I guess it would work with PLA as well. It can also be dissolved with limonene.

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