Hello Mustafa and wellcome!
Let me get some details clear: You want a resin that solidifies (completely cured or pre-cured?) in 1/1000 of a second (?)
What depth of layer do you need to solidify at that speed?
One consideration you need to have is that the photoinitiated resins undergo a chemical reaction that is exothermic. The heat that is being generated depends on the thermodynamics of the reaction and the speed at which it occurs within a given mass will, depending on heat capacity, determine what temperature increase you will get.
Temperature increase are already pretty high in my resins, due to the extremely high reactivity so that sometimes the resin is heated, in very powerfull setups, to the point of evaporation. There is a limit of resin temperature at which you can work at with acceptable results, which stands around 80-90ÂșC. At this temperature, the polymerisation speed is as it's highest (<1s curing time per layer), but heat stresses can already start to apear inside the curing polymer.
Also, there is a name for extremely fast polymerisations. It's called "explosive" polymerisation. Now why would that be?....