Robotic arm RV 2AJ S12 Issue
March 07, 2013 12:44PM
My name is Abdur Rehman and i am Senior Student of College of E & ME
We have Automation Lab Where Robotic Arm are Installed.
Model of Robotic Arm is RV-2AJ-S12.
We are facing a serious Issue with Robotic Arm.
When we start it then it constantly Generates Alarm Signal H0050 and H5000. With ref to troubleshooting manual i found that reason of this error is ext emg input but this not the case. i have double checked that emergency are off. Can You Please Help Us To troubleshoot the Machine To Get it in Working Condition as Soon as Possible.
We will be thankful to you.
Abdur Rehman
Re: Robotic arm RV 2AJ S12 Issue
March 07, 2013 02:29PM
... how old is the device?

Older robot controllers have sometimes problems with dried capacitors or erased EPROM's.

Best would be to contact the manufacturer, if possible ...

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Re: Robotic arm RV 2AJ S12 Issue
March 07, 2013 03:37PM
Its approximately 7 year old setup...
i have sent emails to manufacturers and have'nt received any reply yet...
Re: Robotic arm RV 2AJ S12 Issue
March 08, 2013 04:35AM
External emergency signal is often some extra inputs on the panel connectors which are connected to other parts of the machine cell such as door guards or external E-stops.

The robot when it sees this circuit broken applies all its brake circuits and pops up an error like the one you are seeing.

The circuit is almost certainly a closed loop, so it is operated when the circuit breaks (For safety in case a wire falls off i.e. it fails safe). Try to find these pins on the panel connectors. Almost certainly they need connecting together for it to work, so you need to make a dummy wire loop that is always connected. The documentation should tell you pinouts.

Some E-stops go one step further and have a "circuit to break" and a "circuit to make". This is a legal requirement in the UK so is probably similar elsewhere. All need to be in the correct state for the robot to move.

You get this problem a lot when you first install a robot as it is something that is often forgotten if you are not installing a guard door.

I found this manual online see page 5-90


Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 03/08/2013 04:43AM by martinprice2004.

Helium Frog Website
Re: Robotic arm RV 2AJ S12 Issue
March 13, 2013 06:42AM
I checked that according to specification manual pin 1 and 2 should be closed when external emergency button is out.... but its open and causing alarm signal...
so what should I do now
should I short it by my self?? will it cause any problem or not??
Wires of Pin 1 and pin 2 are connected to big connecter as shown in Picture
Thanks For Your Kind Help
Abdur Rehman
open | download - 121.gif (496.1 KB)
Re: Robotic arm RV 2AJ S12 Issue
March 13, 2013 07:28AM
... this seems to be the safety-sense for an extrenal fence or housing, prevents starting the arm, if it's not closed.

So yes, for testing it you can try with shorted pins -- but think about dangers and safety precautions when driving it! ... this is a dangerous 'toy', if someone is in reach spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

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Re: Robotic arm RV 2AJ S12 Issue
March 13, 2013 08:41AM
Yes the circuit is a closed loop. To get it working you can connect them together and the robot should then function.

When you wire the machine up with full safety guards, all the guard switches can be wired in series, so if one breaks the robot halts.

As Viktor said, this is an interim solution and a full guard system should be added as soon as possible.

Asimov's Laws have not yet been applied in the real world!

Helium Frog Website
Re: Robotic arm RV 2AJ S12 Issue
March 18, 2013 03:54AM
Thank you for helping me out.
Good News is
The alarm signal H0050 has been resolved but
Bad News is
i am facing alarm signal
C1332 & C1336
in manual this error is describe as follow.
C133* Error Message Encoder Battery Low.
Cause The Battery Voltage Supplied to the Position Detector Dropped.
Replace the Backup Battery..

BTW more than once error signal 7520 had occurred.
Which is meant that battery consumption time is nearly over.

So if i had to change the battery i have to move robot in J2=-20, J3=90, J5=90

When i reset the error and tried to turn on the SERVO by Pressing Jog Button under teach Pendent, Servo does't Turn On.
Kindly Help me Out to Solve this issue.
Re: Robotic arm RV 2AJ S12 Issue
March 20, 2013 12:21PM
Thank You Very Much, My Problem is solved..
Just Guide me How to write a program via teach pendant and PC
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