I'm developing of SCARA robotic arm with own firmware, software and hardware
1)firmware: can run on Arduino MEGA(without arduino libraries, just registers), and also PIC 8 bit microcontroller 18f2550 and also 32 bit microcontrollers STM32F303RET6 and STM32F103C8T6
2)software: is programmed on QT5 C++ crossplatform (tested on windows and linux,(ubuntu))
3)hardware is very simple to mounting and print, just 2 NEMA 17, 1 28byj-48, 2 bearing and 2 linear bearing, 2 smooth rod, 1 tethered rod, and some 3mm screw
each arm had 10 cm of long, the area of work is A=pi*r^2 where r es 20cm , is very simple to increase this area, changing the long of each arm, also is very simple to increase the Z axis, putting a long of smooth and tethered rod you wish
The arm as 3d printer needs to program PID, add hotend and extruder
greetings from Argentina!!
First test on video
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/01/2017 10:13PM by rsc.