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Silicon heat compound availability

Posted by kenshinjeff 
Silicon heat compound availability
March 26, 2013 03:06AM
So I bought a hotend from here I need to add "Silicon heat compound" to the power resistor for optimal heat transfer.


That part is easy, but what in the world is this "Silicon heat compound" called in Singapore and where can I get such a thing which can transfer 230+ deg celcius?
Re: Silicon heat compound availability
March 26, 2013 04:53AM

I think it should be those paste for CPU. You can buy it at Sim Lim Square. Not sure if can withstand more than 230 deg celcius.

Simon Sim
Re: Silicon heat compound availability
April 01, 2013 12:53AM
Thanks for the reply. What does everyone here use anyway? Or do you all buy assembled nozzles?
Re: Silicon heat compound availability
April 01, 2013 04:26AM
I DIY, and use the oldest method, NiCr wire with M6 +M8 brass screw with PEEK block insulator.
Works but abit of work here to put all together.

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