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Festival of the Mind Build Weekend

Posted by aka47 
Festival of the Mind Build Weekend
October 21, 2012 12:40PM
On the weekend 29th & 30th of september we had a build competition at the Sheffield RepRap User Group.

This was in conjunction with the University of Sheffields Festival of the Mind event and was hosted by the Gist Hub.

5 Teams competed to build a Mendel 90 each and print a wining entry that embodied the Craft and Magic of 3D printing. The winning team got to take away the Golden Spanner Trophy.

Links to photos of the day can be found here :-



The winning team was the Derby Makers team:-

With their winning entry:-

Of course there were other things printed too eg :-

The weekend was a huge success and more importantly was great fun for all who took part. I would like to say a big thankyou to everyone that made the event what it was:-

Nophead for the Mendel90, design, kits and expert supervision.
The university of Sheffield & The Festival of the Mind for sponsering the event.
The Gist Foundation and Gist Lab for hosting the weekend.
The Teams for taking part
  • Sheffield University
  • The Gist Lab
  • Yorkshire Art Space
  • Derby Makers
  • Martin's Marvels
And last but by no means least everyone who came to see what we were doing and the rest of the families who enjoyed a weekends rest while we played.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/21/2012 12:45PM by aka47.

Necessity hopefully becomes the absentee parent of successfully invented children.
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