I'm posting about this in all relevant forums, hope that doesn't annoy anyone
I'm working on a folding printer, and launched a campaign to help with the development costs on indiegogo
sorry about the short video, I'm working on that, check the gallery section for a couple more short videos
I haven't yet edited the wiki page, obviously it will be here [
reprap.org] , it seems building something is much easier than talking about it, at least that is the case with me
here are the new concepts in my design:
- H-Bot: single open-belt mechanism for the XY axis
- Scissor lift: for lifting the printing mechanism ( Z-axis )
- Twin Nozzle Extruder: a dual hot end single-motor extruder, possibly will use DC motor with magnetic encoder to keep it small as possible
- considering battery powered
- considering advanced controller with integrated STL file processing ( slicing and GCode generation )
BTW: some or all of these concepts might have been suggested before on the forums, but as far as I know they are not implemented yet in any design
it's still work in progress, let me know what you think and any feedback is much appreciated, if you like the idea please consider contributing to the campaign or pass the link to who might be interested