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repetier-host improvement suggestion

Posted by shafri 
repetier-host improvement suggestion
May 26, 2014 01:53AM
i dont know where should i put it, i hope someone can pass the word... i just bought a 3d printer and used repetier-host as controlling SW. on several occasion during printing, the COM line is disconnected of hanged making "printing on progress" terminated. in another occasion, some switching happened on the mains line cause the sanguino board got hanged too, wasting precious amount of half printed abs. i'm now writing my own SW to strip the gcode where it stopped to manually continue printing and manual glue later on, but thats not good enough. my suggestion to repertier-host developers....

1) feature to resume printing job after power failure, COM dropped or disconnected etc. since the state of printing and coordinates maybe undefined after power failure, the SW should enable users to define or select at which gcode or percetage done of a particular gcode line was executed. or defining x,y,z offset for positional correction after resuming printing. on resuming printing, the SW should do like what it used to do when start a print job, ie waiting for bad and nozzle temp to reach defined setting. this will ease alot of manual works or gcode editing.

2) repertier should be able to detect or warn user when the COM lines dropped or hanged. currently it just do nothing like nothing is happening. when sending command to the printer, nothing happened both on HW and SW side.

3) there should be also another way for the FIRMWARE (PC-less or SD card printing) to do the resuming action after power failure stated in 1.

repertier is good and on par with other pro 3d SW i believe its good for what it do, i wish i can see it becoming better. i encourage people to donate tongue sticking out smiley i did tongue sticking out smiley, if 1 million people donate a small amount. repertier should be enriched i believe. help this SW to grow. thanks.... (only passing by, nobody is perfect and i'm nobody)
Re: repetier-host improvement suggestion
May 26, 2014 09:16AM
The Repetier support forum is hosted on this very site. You will probably have better luck scrolling down a few pages on the forums list and posting this in the Repetier forum.....
Re: repetier-host improvement suggestion
May 27, 2014 01:08PM
Just a small note of mention. Repetier host only sees what it's sent the printer. What it sees and what the printer does are two different time frames. If it just resumed at the last piece it saw, it would be ahead of the printer.

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