Re: Introducing the ramps 10 - "Ramps10" an open source multi-configurable stepper controller shield based on the Ramps 1.4 design. October 28, 2013 04:33PM |
Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 1,236 |
Re: Introducing the ramps 10 - "Ramps10" an open source multi-configurable stepper controller shield based on the Ramps 1.4 design. October 28, 2013 07:52PM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 7 |
Re: Introducing the ramps 10 - "Ramps10" an open source multi-configurable stepper controller shield based on the Ramps 1.4 design. October 28, 2013 08:28PM |
Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 482 |
Re: Introducing the ramps 10 - "Ramps10" an open source multi-configurable stepper controller shield based on the Ramps 1.4 design. October 28, 2013 08:48PM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 7 |
Re: Introducing the ramps 10 - "Ramps10" an open source multi-configurable stepper controller shield based on the Ramps 1.4 design. November 01, 2013 01:23PM |
Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 485 |
Re: Introducing the ramps 10 - "Ramps10" an open source multi-configurable stepper controller shield based on the Ramps 1.4 design. November 01, 2013 01:27PM |
Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 482 |
Re: Introducing the ramps 10 - "Ramps10" an open source multi-configurable stepper controller shield based on the Ramps 1.4 design. November 04, 2013 12:45AM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 51 |
Re: Introducing the ramps 10 - "Ramps10" an open source multi-configurable stepper controller shield based on the Ramps 1.4 design. November 05, 2013 09:41AM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 2 |
Yes, certainly, because the manufacturers really don't want to make less than 100-200 units, we have to sell quite a large portion before we can begin to break even, that is, if we are to give reprappers a fair price. The biggest missing piece is a clear "aha moment" or application that makes obvious use of the decapede, the most obvious I think is a 10 legged robot or a multi color all-in-one 3d printer /cnc machine.
What do you think?
In any case I can't wait to see what people come up with! There are so many clever people out there and they will use commercially available tools to great effect, just like ramps/sanguinolu has done for 3d printers, maybe there are some crucial robotics people waiting for something like this too.
BTW, the arduino mega pin assignments are attached.
If were were to integrate a mega into our PCB directly, there are actually quite a number of excess pins available. We could practically make a 20-stepstick system.
Re: Introducing the ramps 10 - "Ramps10" an open source multi-configurable stepper controller shield based on the Ramps 1.4 design. November 05, 2013 01:17PM |
Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 482 |
Re: Introducing the ramps 10 - "Ramps10" an open source multi-configurable stepper controller shield based on the Ramps 1.4 design. November 05, 2013 01:25PM |
Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 482 |
Re: Introducing the ramps 10 - "Ramps10" an open source multi-configurable stepper controller shield based on the Ramps 1.4 design. November 05, 2013 01:41PM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 2 |
RE: Encoders, can you tell us more about the encoder electronics? For 100's of motors, you should probably dedicate several arduino units just for the encoders separately.
Re: Introducing the ramps 10 - "Ramps10" an open source multi-configurable stepper controller shield based on the Ramps 1.4 design. November 05, 2013 01:58PM |
Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 482 |
RE: Encoders, can you tell us more about the encoder electronics? For 100's of motors, you should probably dedicate several arduino units just for the encoders separately.
Thanks for your time. I was thinking something along these lines for encoder
[] to mount on the back of a dual shaft stepper. But if someone can recommend an encoder that slips on a single shaft stepper I would be glad to hear .. ..and yes several dedicated arduinos is possible the way to go
Re: Introducing the ramps 10 - "Ramps10" an open source multi-configurable stepper controller shield based on the Ramps 1.4 design. November 06, 2013 02:08PM |
Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 1,236 |
Hello first poster here but have lurked his thread since its start
Regarding controlling many stepper motors. Ive got a hobby/art/robotics project where I in the end might need to control hundreds of motors each with an absolute encoder so the system at all times knows the exact position of each stepper even after power cycle. How could "hundreds of encoders" be connected to a system like this?
Also having an arduino integrated would be great..
Re: Introducing the ramps 10 - "Ramps10" an open source multi-configurable stepper controller shield based on the Ramps 1.4 design. November 06, 2013 03:10PM |
Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 482 |
Re: Introducing the ramps 10 - "Ramps10" an open source multi-configurable stepper controller shield based on the Ramps 1.4 design. November 06, 2013 03:21PM |
Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 482 |
Re: Introducing the ramps 10 - "Ramps10" an open source multi-configurable stepper controller shield based on the Ramps 1.4 design. November 07, 2013 07:00AM |
Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 301 |
Re: Introducing the ramps 10 - "Ramps10" an open source multi-configurable stepper controller shield based on the Ramps 1.4 design. November 20, 2013 08:55PM |
Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 482 |
Re: Introducing the ramps 10 - "Ramps10" an open source multi-configurable stepper controller shield based on the Ramps 1.4 design. December 12, 2013 10:26AM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 1 |
Re: Introducing the ramps 10 - "Ramps10" an open source multi-configurable stepper controller shield based on the Ramps 1.4 design. December 12, 2013 04:46PM |
Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 482 |
HI Simba,
I am building a 3d printer that will use all 10 stepper drivers. I think it is great that you had the vision to see that 4 or 5 steppers are not enough for many current and future applications. This board addresses that limitation and I can't wait to get my hands on one of them.
However, I do have a concern after looking at the schematics published on Nov 5th. On page 8 "Thermistors with FET" shows the analog inputs pulled up to +12v. Since the analog inputs to the Arduino are 0-5v this presents a problem when connecting thermistors to the inputs. The input would always be maxed out at the positive rail and even with low impedance sensors that could overcome this problem, the signal would be more prone to noise if steppers and others actuators are connected to the same 12v. Connecting pull-ups to the 12v rail could also damage the analog inputs in time, since they are not designed to operate above the Arduino's supply voltage.
The 4.7K pull-up resistors should have been connected to the +5v supply to operate properly. I think this was an error when generating the board since your '' link "Reprap Expansion Feature III - 7 Thermistor Header" states that the pull-ups would be tied to 5VDC.
I'm still a big fan of this board even it I have to stand the surface mount resistors on end and connect my own 5V buss wire to them. But it would be in your customers best interest to address this problem before you go into production.
Re: Introducing the ramps 10 - "Ramps10" an open source multi-configurable stepper controller shield based on the Ramps 1.4 design. December 12, 2013 09:46PM |
Registered: 15 years ago Posts: 43 |
Re: Introducing the ramps 10 - "Ramps10" an open source multi-configurable stepper controller shield based on the Ramps 1.4 design. December 12, 2013 10:27PM |
Admin Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 730 |
Would you consider trying out the new bounty system we're trying to get going? You could post a request for funds on the Bounty Forum and see what happens...Quote
we don't have funding left to pay a person to modify the layout right now
Re: Introducing the ramps 10 - "Ramps10" an open source multi-configurable stepper controller shield based on the Ramps 1.4 design. January 16, 2014 06:42PM |
Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 1,236 |
Re: Introducing the ramps 10 - "Ramps10" an open source multi-configurable stepper controller shield based on the Ramps 1.4 design. January 16, 2014 06:57PM |
Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 482 |
Re: Introducing the ramps 10 - "Ramps10" an open source multi-configurable stepper controller shield based on the Ramps 1.4 design. January 21, 2014 01:49PM |
Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 1,236 |
Re: Introducing the ramps 10 - "Ramps10" an open source multi-configurable stepper controller shield based on the Ramps 1.4 design. January 21, 2014 02:16PM |
Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 482 |
Re: Introducing the ramps 10 - "Ramps10" an open source multi-configurable stepper controller shield based on the Ramps 1.4 design. January 27, 2014 04:19PM |
Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 1,236 |
Changes ======== 1. Change P1 power connector to 5.08 pitch. Move fuse holder and reset switch. Add separate connector for fan/aux output. 2. Thermistors connect to +5V 3. Footprints for optional latching connectors 0.1" KK (heaters, thermistors) 4. Use the Arduino R3 shield layout 5. Make sure thermistors are on ADC inputs. All FET outputs on PWM pins. Rearrange other connections for easier layout. 6. Don't backfeed 5V to Arduino - jumper option to power Arduino via VIN 7. 10uf elco on thermistors to ceramic, Change 1206 resistors to 0805 8. Separate logic voltage from 5V in preparation for Due. 9. Change 1206/1210 on gate drivers resistors to 0805, remove apparently unneeded components (2 resistors + zener). Add pull down on control inputs 10. Add LEDs for power, FET outputs 11. Separate ground for analog 12. Due "ready", just change one resistor on LM317 13. More copper in power/ground zone fills 14. Add connectors for SPI, I2C1
Re: Introducing the ramps 10 - "Ramps10" an open source multi-configurable stepper controller shield based on the Ramps 1.4 design. January 27, 2014 05:54PM |
Registered: 15 years ago Posts: 43 |
Re: Introducing the ramps 10 - "Ramps10" an open source multi-configurable stepper controller shield based on the Ramps 1.4 design. January 27, 2014 07:34PM |
Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 1,236 |
Excellent. Arduino Due support will be handy. I suspect a lot of machines that will use this board will need the extra processing power.
If your going to order a batch of PCBs, and you think you have all the kinks worked out, then count me in for one. It looks like it will be a while before Simba gets these things into production and I can handle soldering my own stuff together.
One other thing. Why are you keeping all your hardware projects in a single repository instead of seperate repos for each one?
Re: Introducing the ramps 10 - "Ramps10" an open source multi-configurable stepper controller shield based on the Ramps 1.4 design. January 31, 2014 07:01AM |
Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 1,236 |
Re: Introducing the ramps 10 - "Ramps10" an open source multi-configurable stepper controller shield based on the Ramps 1.4 design. April 16, 2014 11:32AM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 3 |
=Create yourself= The newest version can be found on RepRap community member's Bobc's Github: * [ Hardware]. And on Michal's github (pull request sent to Marlin software): * [ Software] (Marlin was thought to be used, though in general any may be adapted).