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Retract G-code Instruction for Mendel90

Posted by Esanhi 
Retract G-code Instruction for Mendel90
January 16, 2014 02:49PM
I am developing a software for a University Project similar to PronterFace. I need some help because I can´t do "Retract" with my printer to avoid the drooling, the printer doesn´t stop extruding material in all the process.

I try with M227, M101 and M103 (reprap Wiki) and M207 and M209 from Marlin documentation.
I have a Mendel90 with Marlin 1.0.0 RC.

Thank you.
Re: Retract G-code Instruction for Mendel90
January 17, 2014 01:12AM
Most of us use Slicer based retraction (reverese extruding commands) but if You want to use Firmware retraction You should have to uncomment the below define in Configuration_adv.h and use the below commands. (not using it myself though)

// Firmware based and LCD controled retract
// M207 and M208 can be used to define parameters for the retraction.
// The retraction can be called by the slicer using G10 and G11
// until then, intended retractions can be detected by moves that only extrude and the direction.
// the moves are than replaced by the firmware controlled ones.

#define MIN_RETRACT 0.1 //minimum extruded mm to accept a automatic gcode retraction attempt

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/17/2014 02:28AM by ahmetcemturan.

Manufacturer of low tolerance Filaments PLA, ABS, ASA, PETG, TPU, PA, PVA,
Re: Retract G-code Instruction for Mendel90
February 19, 2014 10:28AM
Oh sorry! I forgot to answer you. I finally used manual retraction and it works perfectly. I have almost finished my project.
Thank you so much.
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