Temperature Logging Program for Pronterface
July 15, 2015 12:14PM
Hello Everyone,

I'm new to Python and started learning by modifying Pronterface to log temperatures to a file.
I've created a page here with instructions on how you can log all temperature values from your printer to a .txt file in tabular format.

I'm sharing the code.
Please review and give feedback.

Re: Temperature Logging Program for Pronterface
July 22, 2015 01:47AM
cool wanted something like this 2 years back when i had a constantly failing prusa i2 and pronterface... since then i have moved on to more stable printer s and repetier ... but sure will try it...

will it work on the windows version of pronterface ?
I do have ubuntu but dont use that so much..

Re: Temperature Logging Program for Pronterface
July 23, 2015 10:09AM
Yes. it will work on windows. I've attached my windows pronsole.py for you. Please replace it in printrun folder in the root directory.
open | download - pronsole.pyc (68.9 KB)
Re: Temperature Logging Program for Pronterface
July 24, 2015 07:31AM
thanks.. will try next week sometime ...
Re: Temperature Logging Program for Pronterface
October 18, 2018 08:27PM
This can be so helpful for me right now. I am curious what exactly did you change in the firmware code? Because I also have modified those files a lot, and replacing the file is almost impossible. I also have different setup for the pins and they are hard to change as well. Also, I am running Windows, and replacing the pronsole.exe file with pronsole.pyc won't do anything.

Thanks if you for providing this great tool!
Re: Temperature Logging Program for Pronterface
October 21, 2018 05:41PM
I had the same problem. My 3D printer uses the RAMPS 1.4 board on-top of a Arduino Mega. By opening the serial monitor in arduino (ensuring that the buad rate is set to 250000).

By sending the command M155 S1 (S is the time interval), you will receive :
Current nozzle temperature
Set nozzle temperature
Current bed temperature
Set bed temperature
every second.

To stop the temperature from being sent just send M155 S0.

With this raw data you can copy it into excel and use the "Text to Columns" button under the Data tab to split the data into separate columns.

Hope this helps. If you find a better way to accomplish this please let me know!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/21/2018 05:42PM by JamesEekhooring.
Re: Temperature Logging Program for Pronterface
November 01, 2018 10:23AM
Thanks! I think this is a great idea and I have the same setup as yours. I am trying it right now. However, when I called Serial.begin(250000) in the setup() loop in Marlin_main.cpp, the Arduino IDE give the compiler error: 'Serial' was not declared in this scope. I selected the correct board for this configuration. I am wondering whether there is something in the Marlin code that prevented me from using Serial. It works as intended for me.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/01/2018 10:28AM by tonypan.
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