Water cooled extruder
July 22, 2016 07:45AM
Hi guys,

I made water cooled extruder units.

My 3D printer is too small and therefore I didn't use traditional long aluminium air cooled extruder.

[www.youtube.com] (Sorry video language is not English)
Re: Water cooled extruder
July 23, 2016 05:45AM
Does the pumping action have any effects on the printing quality?
Re: Water cooled extruder
July 24, 2016 05:37AM
I don't see any advantages for printing quality.
Re: Water cooled extruder
July 24, 2016 06:46AM
If you're going to print ABS inside a heated chamber, water cooling the extruder makes sense because the ambient air temperature may not be low enough to prevent heat creep up the throat of the extruder. I print ABS in a 45-50C enclosure using air cooling and it works, but maybe the OP is planning on a warmer temperature. Stratasys prints ABS inside a 70C oven.

Or like he said, the extruder is too small for air cooling...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/24/2016 06:47AM by the_digital_dentist.

Ultra MegaMax Dominator 3D printer: [drmrehorst.blogspot.com]
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