Hey Guys!
I'm trying to send a simple G-Code to my Prusa i3 via SerialPort in vb.net. I've tried it with
SerialPort1.write("G28") << going home
my SerialPort Settings are:
BaudRate: 115200
DataBits: 8
DiscardNull: False
DtrEnable: False
Handshake: None
Parity: None
ParityReplace: 63
PortName: COM4
ReadBufferSize: 4096
ReadTimeout: -1
ReceivedBytesThreshold: 1
RtsEnable: False
StopBits: One
WriteBufferSize: 2048
WriteTimeout: -1
And if I send some G-Code it does absolutely nothing. Is here someone who did something like that before?
King regards