Highly modified CR10 with chamber heater
December 31, 2020 02:19AM

I`m quite new to 3D printer building.
I`m printing protype wings for Kitesurfing Hydrofoils.
So I started modding my CR10.
- Custom housing
- Aluminium watercooled carriage for Hermera Extruder
- All steppers watercooled
- 1kw chamber heater with external blower motor
- Bl touch

I`still struggeling a bit with the programming of the 2 Z Motors.
Everything else works fine so far.
Integrated the BL touch, chamber heating is working fine ...

So pleeeease could somebody help me with my programming of the 2 Z Motors?

I moved the second Z motor Plug on E1 and replaced it with a bridge like explained ... but when I start the homing with bl touch the 2 Steppers start to vibrate and dont move...

There is most likely something wrong with the driver mapping ore so... Could please someone go over my program and give me a tip ore correct it?
I would be very thankful!

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/31/2020 04:12AM by CreaLio.
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Re: Highly modified CR10 with chamber heater
December 31, 2020 02:27AM
As you are using RepRapFirmware I suggest you ask for help at [forum.duet3d.com]. Include your config.g file again and say which controller board you are using

Large delta printer [miscsolutions.wordpress.com], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [duet3d.com].
Re: Highly modified CR10 with chamber heater
December 31, 2020 04:02AM
Yes I Do!

Thank you for the hint!
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