Monster8 - Marlin Configuration for XYZE0E1AUV + Laser cooling
February 09, 2024 10:03PM

Is any chance that you can help me or run the scan program Marlin for the MKS Monster8 board with MKS Mini12864 v3.0 display for the configuration - XYZE0E1AUV + Bed and Laser cooling. - First hot end using MAX31855, using -3 option

You run the similar scan for the my MKS Gen L board, it was so helpful, it make me understand all changes in few minutes.

Please let me know if you need any other information.

Thank you very much.

#define TEMP_SENSOR_0 -3
#define TEMP_SENSOR_1 0
#define TEMP_SENSOR_2 0
#define TEMP_SENSOR_3 0
#define TEMP_SENSOR_4 0
#define TEMP_SENSOR_5 0
#define TEMP_SENSOR_6 0
#define TEMP_SENSOR_7 0

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/10/2024 12:03PM by lukaari.
Re: Monster8 - Marlin Configuration for XYZE0E1AUV + Laser cooling on the chamber pin
February 09, 2024 11:19PM
... depending on the needed cooling power (I have some laserdiodes or lasers with up to 1kW needed for proper cooling) you can think about stand-alone coolers, as common used for water-cooled lasers (one of my water-coolers has 1.5kW)

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Re: Monster8 - Marlin Configuration for XYZE0E1AUV + Laser cooling
February 10, 2024 02:03AM
Hi, I apologize , on the header - I removed "on the chamber pin"

Right now I am not using the laser. But I needed the to cooling loop, and with admin help the cooling is working. I lost 3 servos because cooler is made for the laser and laser has PWM and there is no timer resource left for the servos on the MKS Gen L - if I understood correctly.

Thinking further: Will be nice if the Marlin has an option to extend the temperature range for the chamber from 1-75c. Marlin code can be changed to compare current temperature with the target temperature and if the target temperature call for the heating then use existing code; if the target temperature call for the cooling then, PID loop will work in reverse and output should on the separate cooling pin.
If any one can do the task please contact me I will give you details and can do the testing.

"... depending on the needed cooling power (I have some laserdiodes or lasers with up to 1kW needed for proper cooling) you can think about stand-alone coolers, as common used for water-cooled lasers (one of my water-coolers has 1.5kW)"

How much of the coolng power you actualy need for the lasers?

I have expiriance with the chillers we used for the magnetron and RF load cooling... thay come in range of 1 - 10+ KW, we used glycol, circulating pump and expantion chamber.
Re: Monster8 - Marlin Configuration for XYZE0E1AUV + Laser cooling
February 11, 2024 12:05PM
How much of the coolng power you actualy need for the lasers?

... this depends - the small modules around 50W, the DPSS-lasers 800 to 1000W (up to 1kW) ...

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Re: Monster8 - Marlin Configuration for XYZE0E1AUV + Laser cooling
February 12, 2024 09:13AM

Achieving laser cooling up to around the kilowatt (KW) level can be accomplished using Peltier devices.

However, these Peltiers are power-hungry, requiring efficient driving with a current source.

Initially, I attempted to utilize one of the Marlin temperature loops, leveraging the PID autotune feature, to drive the Peltier. Unfortunately, PWM drive output is not the optimal method for driving Peltiers.

Instead, I've implemented an external laser cooler loop, albeit less precise, which work for the moment.

Using the MKS Gen L v1 board, integrating the laser cooling loop necessitated removing three servos, leaving only one servo and three spare pins on the board sad smiley .

Considering these constraints, I've acquired the MKS Monster8 board and seek insights from anyone who has experience with this board, referencing my original post.
Re: Monster8 - Marlin Configuration for XYZE0E1AUV + Laser cooling
February 12, 2024 09:52AM
... for the "medium size" diodes I'm too using peltiers - here I've reworked a fiber-laser housing with 4 ventilators into a peltier-heat-exchanger with 6x 30Watt PZT-modules.

Here some images of the setup with 2 of the diodes and 3x Peltiers under every diode and a 10mm alu sheet for heat-distributing ... for an ambien temp. of around 20degC the emitted hot air will be at around 55 to 60degC at full power:

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Re: Monster8 - Marlin Configuration for XYZE0E1AUV + Laser cooling
February 12, 2024 12:03PM
Hi, looks nice.

What I'm observing on the left appears to be a cover positioned over the lasers, correct? I'm assuming the lasers are cooled through the bottom, but I'm curious, is that plate liquid-cooled? I wonder if the lasers can adjust their power output, and if so, does the cooling block of the material have enough thermal inertia to accommodate these changes?

Could you provide more details on the laser specs? Specifically, what's the laser power and what kind of cooling is recommended by the manufacturer? Also, do you have the rest of the laser setup, including the fiber combiner, lenses, colimator, etc.?

Just out of curiosity, where are you located?
Re: Monster8 - Marlin Configuration for XYZE0E1AUV + Laser cooling
February 12, 2024 02:46PM
... I'm from Germany cool smiley

The housing in the images is from a 50 Watt CW fiberlaser - have several with different wreckage types ... some with exploded fiber-couplings for backreflection ... some with broken electronics (one with 130Watts is emitting fine, when supporting the diodes with current only) ... some with cut external fiber ...

They are all air-cooled - the housing is a "sandwich" of two cooler-plates with the fins in the center, where the air is forced through ... and the electronics, diodes and fibers are placed in the visible cavities, then covered with a metal sheet.

The two diodes in the image are salvaged from a (watercooled) 3kW or 6kW pulsed fiberlaser ... have several (nearly identical buildup) of this diodes with output powers of 135W, 200W, 270W and 310W ... the pumping diodes from the broken/salvaged CW-fiberlasers are much smaller/weaker - 5W, 9W, 25W, 30W ... but then too up to 40(!) of the diodes per laser smoking smiley

The CW-fiberlasers are controlled only by the current through the diodes ... the 200+W, I'm using too with adjustable current modulating - they start to emit at around 2-3 Amps, then linear rising up tomax power (135, 200, 270, 310W) with the specific max currents of 12V for the smaller to 15V for the bigger ... and max. currents of 35, 40 and 43 Amps.

I'Ve developed some drivers for them with adjustable "constant current" of up to 20A per driver and placing two of them parallel vor higher current ... modulating the current with up to 50kHz (or up to 200kHz for the "smaller" IR-diodes from the CW-fiberlaers)

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Re: Monster8 - Marlin Configuration for XYZE0E1AUV + Laser cooling
February 12, 2024 05:31PM
Very nice, how you are doing there?

Here in New York, manufacturing is chased out by the real-estate developers sad smiley

Are you actually repair the lasers to the condition that you can make machine and do some metal cutting.

As hobby I actually testing the Marlin with some boards to see if it can be repurposed as for example robot or the cnc controller.

Not sure about the reliability and precision. I have few of the 3d printers and xyza desktop assemblies. I just tested the MKS Gen L and Monster8 but I need to test the configuration with all 8 steppers.
I got one 3d printer combo 3d printer and laser aas module... but it can do only wood and possibly acrylic.

Did you tray to combine the marlin with higher power laser on any larger fixtures?

Check the Sorenson switching power supply's they go up to 150A or more,

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/12/2024 05:31PM by lukaari.
Re: Monster8 - Marlin Configuration for XYZE0E1AUV + Laser cooling
February 13, 2024 01:35AM
... my "high power"-lasers and tinkering with the broken fiber-lasers and salvaged laserdiodes is all hobby - in my job I'm developing different applications for "laser assisted material transfer" with UV-DPSS- and "ultra-short-puls"-lasers ... they have 20W averaged.

Some years ago, when developing jetting paste-dispensers, I've used Marlin4Due together with Pronterface/Printrun to control the dispensers ... later I've updated/modified it for laser-engraving too

As all my tools are controlled by PWM or pulsing, it's suitable for all sorts of applications, regardless of the emitted power, when working with lasers.

Here is a thread about in the English forum (but the vimeo videos don't work anymore) - []

And here a longer thread in the German forum - []

And here, in my youtube channel, you can find some related videos - []

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Re: Monster8 - Marlin Configuration for XYZE0E1AUV + Laser cooling
February 13, 2024 01:40PM
Wow, I am so happy to see the videos...especially that jet engine, and its balancing scale thumbs up

Many years ago i did my share, when Graupner was the leading company, using almost all thair products, including their wankel motor. thumbs up
I did some work with dispensing dot of the UV cured glue. Problem with the dot was that dot had volume and UV curing take few seconds to cure, and curing is not unifirm.

Currently my focus is on the Marlin and boards for my project. I was using MKS GEN L v1 where I add the laser cooling loop. Using laser option and laser control PWM timer CPU lose timer resource and I lost 3 servos. Not sure how to to fix this except to ask someone to modify the temperature range of the bed or the chamber PID loop, or add another chamber PID loop. This will be also very useful for the wax printing!
Can you please let me know if you have somebody who can do it.
Re: Monster8 - Marlin Configuration for XYZE0E1AUV + Laser cooling
February 13, 2024 05:46PM
... this was some 10+ years ago and I've done most of the developing and programming then too "on my own" ... so actually no active programmers available around.

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