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EMO PIG- 90% 3d printed prusa i3 clone with a twist

Posted by kokodin 
EMO PIG- 90% 3d printed prusa i3 clone with a twist
February 11, 2024 06:18AM
Well hello there. I am going crazy with doing things by myself, so i thought i will share my pain with others and maybe some of you will know what am i doing wrong.

Recently i made something stupid. I downloaded from prusa all the mk3s files, printed or modyfied a lot of those files, some were made from scratch to replace cnc parts and thus EMO PIG was born. (or Original Prosiak how it is called in polish)

And it almost work but not quite as i would like.
I have some limitations (because i wanted to show off kids at school i work at you don't need high budget to make a printer) like using ramps and arduino mega, character based screen, Zrods being m8 thereaded rods, and bearings are 3d printed shells with ptfe tube liners runing on stainless rods, It uses the cheapest power suply i could find, used hp computer that only had 2 12V outputs and both of them could push 12-16 amps. But i also have bigtree tmc's 2130 in spi and sensorless homing is working (and that like 1/3 of the budget too), I use ir switch as a z probe that works too. printer is mostly made out of pink and black pet-g but pink is more magenta than pink :]
Currently I am using marlin 2.1 from way back i made my last printer, but for some reason i would like to port actual prusa firmware to run on it, just for kicks.and the latest firmware seems the most interesting so i installed all the ide stuff required to compile it and.
For some reason prusa frimware compiles always at around 640kb while atmega is only 1/3 of that so i have no idea where rambo stores it if it also uses atmega 2560 and i can't find a schematic that shows that 2mb serial flash mentioned in changelogs. or am i so dumb to not see it, because i most likely would have to hack something like that into the ramps to have it working. Hacking things in is not a problem, knowing what to do kind of is.

I am currently at a phase that my project kind of work, meaning i can put sd card in and print small things from pla on unheated bed but things that takes more than one hour kind of die from heat creap in cheap hotend knokof and it is very moody

if you are interested in seeing it or know what am i doing wrong let me know, i probably post some pictures anyway but if you are interested in any specyfics i gladly share what i developed so far in details, (if we can call stealing from prusa a development)
but i think that without help i probably just be forced to be unhappy and just chuck newest stable marlin into it and call it good , because i am 2 months into it and i am loosing will to continue what i set as a goal. so help wpild be apriciated, or just audience and some support.
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