I am currently using the MKS Gen L board, and I've encountered an issue with the Laser Cooler loop functionality. To enable the Laser cooling feature, I had to disable three servos, which are typically in use.
Enabling Laser cooling utilizes all available timer resources on the board, necessitating the removal of three out of the four servos I usually employ.
I am seeking assistance from anyone capable of:
a) Writing the necessary code to integrate separate cooler temperature control into Marlin , or
b) Modifying an existing hotend PID loop to function as a cooler loop , or
c) Adding a configuration option where user can choose to use the cooler with or without the laser features so it does not monopolize timer resources, thereby allowing for the proper addressing of servos.
This option should be commented in the configuration_adv file.
Please let me know if you are able to assist.
Thank you.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/13/2024 09:59PM by lukaari.