What's the latest version of the RepRap Snappy, and where can I get it, cuz I'm seeing a 3.1 but can't find it anywhere, or is 3.0 the latest one, cuz I'm going to print my first RepRap this week. So just a bit of help plz?
I also wanted to check if there were any mods for the latest version of Snappy, which ever one that is. Cuz I was able to find a ton of mods around the AnetA8 on thingiverse when I almost did that build (shipping errors and it took like 6 months to ship and then when I got the kit half the things were broken so I just returned it and got my $$$$$ back), but I can't find any for the snappy on Thingiverse, BTW is there any other sites where I might find mods? BTW my last post was asking about the latest version of the snappy, still need help w/ that. Thanks so much guys!!!!
Nox VidMate Mobdro
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/26/2019 02:00PM by Vindieselwalker.