Meg: So jack, are you gonna tell me bout your tesla coil?
Jack: You said you didn't wanna hear about it.
Meg: Ya I know, but that was a while ago.
Jack: Well I don't know if I wanna talk about it.
Meg: Come on Jack, you draged it all the way down here in your little red
wagon. Come on, just tell me about it.
Jack: Well I built it based on the invention of Nikola Tesla's original designs.
It's an air transformer. with primary and secondary coils that are, that are tuned
to resonate. It's basically a step-up transformer, which converts relatively low
voltage high current to high voltage low current at high frequencies. Do you
remember, when we were kids, you had a little barbie makeup mirror?
Meg: Ya I remembere that.
Jack: Had a little flourecent light on it?
Meg: Mhmm.
Jack: Well Nikola Tesla invented flourecent light. Without him we wouldent
have alternating current, radio, television, x-ray technology, induction motors,
particle beams, lasers. None of that would even exist if it weren't for him
Meg: Or the rock band Tesla.
Jack: Funny. You know Tesla was a true genius. If we would have paid more
attention to his ideas, The world would be a much better place. We'd have free
mass comunication, free transportation, free energy for everyone. That's why
they discredited him in the end. Free energy. He percieved the Earth as a
conductor of acoustical resonance.
Meg: Hmm. What a beautiful idea. So Jack are you gonna show me how the
coil works?
Jack: Ya, alright. You'll need these (welder's goggles). Alright are you ready
Meg: I'm ready.
Jack: Damn it, something went wrong.
Meg: It was cool though.
Jack: Ya but it wasn't supposed to stop. It was supposed to keep working. I
don't know what happened.
Meg: Think maybe you blew a capacitor?
Jack: No I didn't blow a capacitor Meg.
Meg: Maybe it tripped your GFI.
Waiter: Ya, your ground fault interurptor.
Jack: Ya I know what a GFI is. That's not what happened.
Waiter: You don't have to snap at me (walks out).
Meg: Hmm... I think maybe the spark gaps are too far apart on your spark coil
Jack: Um, ya that could be it. I guess. Ya that is it, that is it. You're right about
that. I didn't check that earlier (cofee cheers). Well, I'm gonna go home and
check it out.
Meg: Alright Jack.
Jack: Uhmm, are you going to go bowling tomarrow or?
Meg: Ya I'll be there.
Jack: Alright, well I'll see you there (leaves with Tesla coil).
Meg: (lights cigarette and taps spoon on cofee) Hmm. Earth as a conductor of
acoustical resonance.