Problems with 16x microstepping
February 23, 2012 06:50AM
I am having a problem with 16x microstepping on a RAMPS 1.4 board. All jumpers are set to 16x but the motors seem to only be capable of 8x microstepping.

I have checked the firmware and done a sanity check by writing a little program to pulse the motor for 1 rev. It takes only 1600 (200x8) to complete a revolution.

Motors are Nema 17 SY42STH47-1684B (200 steps per rev) running Pololu Drivers.

Any ideas what could be happening?

There was another thread here a few weeks ago which suggests ther are others who have this issue. Could it be a board error?

Previous thread
Re: Problems with 16x microstepping
February 23, 2012 08:02AM
Are they genuine Pololus? Which chip do they have on them?

Re: Problems with 16x microstepping
February 23, 2012 02:37PM
Ah yes I think that is the issue. They use A4984 chips which only support 8th step. Perhaps they differ from the A4983. This may also explain why my electronics run cold. I think they handle higher current. I will have to compare the specifications.
Re: Problems with 16x microstepping
February 23, 2012 04:35PM
Are they stepsticks rather than Pololus? In which case the VREF current calculation is different and for the same pot position the current is less.

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