Print mirrored
February 02, 2014 01:00AM

I change my printer to use ramps and now the y axis prints mirrored.
The movement and home works as it should. None of the motors moves wrong direction when control manually.
My home position is left behind corner.

I read most people change the configuration.h but if I do this the y axis moves wrong direction

Re: Print mirrored
February 02, 2014 06:16PM
What is the "wrong" direction? Many people are confused by this, but in pronterface (and other host software), if you click to move the axis forward, the bed should move to the back. Just think of it in terms of the head. When the bed moves back, the head "moves" forward.
Re: Print mirrored
February 09, 2014 10:35PM

I change my printer to use ramps and now the y axis prints mirrored.
The movement and home works as it should. None of the motors moves wrong direction when control manually.
My home position is left behind corner.

I read most people change the configuration.h but if I do this the y axis moves wrong direction


i just realized that i have this problem. realized when i printed this out on my delta...


by design, i had to flip one of the motors physically (Y Motor) but i just flipped the wires to compensate. all my INVERSE_AXIS_DIR are false and the extruder homes without any issues. I just cant figure out why it would print flipped on an axis when it displays normally in repetier host.

would really love to hear a solution to this.
Re: Print mirrored
February 10, 2014 04:52AM
If a print displays correctly on screen, but prints reversed, then one of the axes is reversed. There is no other cause or solution.

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Re: Print mirrored
February 10, 2014 01:54PM
I had that problem, I had to revesre my x axis. only problem now is Pronterface is backwords. I know I can fix that too, but I'm living with it for now.
Re: Print mirrored
February 10, 2014 02:13PM
Of course, you need to reverse the right axis, otherwise you end up with the print rotated with respect to the display.

It's invariably the Y axis that needs reversing, because that is the "confusing" one - the bed moves instead of the head.

To expand a little on my previous answer, if homing "works correctly" it is not enough to determine the right axis directions. The homing sequence does not have any effect on axis direction, and there is a valid home point in both the "normal" and "mirrored" orientations.

I guess that because people set their homing first, they assume that it is correct. If they set the right print orientation first, they would realise that the homing is actually incorrect.

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