Yet another Humming Stepper Thread....
June 19, 2015 10:13PM
Prusa i3
Nema17 Steppers (six wire)

Flash the "Test Firmware" and it makes all axises jiggle..

Flash Marlin and:

Hothead works and Thermistor Works
Z Axis moves fine

X and Y just hum

Reflash "Test Firmware" and everything jiggles back and forth like its supposed to.

Disabled Max and Min Endstops in firmware and still no XY

I could be wrong as this is my first attempt at any of this but...

It's not the drivers as it wiggles under test firmware
It's not the wiring as it wiggles under test firmware
It's not the power as it wiggles under test firmware

But when I try to wiggle under marlin firmware I just get humms..

**** NEVERMIND... Still Posting this for Posterity sake though for all the others having issues as I didn't see this mentioned "ANYWHERE"... ****

Pronterface... My XY mm/min were set to 3000... No clue if that was normal/default/or cat stepped on keyboard... But when I changed it to 100... It all moved nice and smooth.. I also adjusted my Z to something like 50 mm/min and now it runs even better than it did before..

Would be curious to know how what is the "Correct" values for those though...
Re: Yet another Humming Stepper Thread....
June 20, 2015 05:11AM
The only part, where mm/min is used is the homing speed IMHO.

#define HOMING_FEEDRATE {50*60, 50*60, 3*60, 0}  // set the homing speeds (mm/min)

3000mm/min is default and works good IF you have placed all the microstepping jumpers for 1/16.
Sometimes these jumpers donĀ“t have good contact, check that too.
Re: Yet another Humming Stepper Thread....
June 20, 2015 06:31AM
Yes you need to set max feed rates in firmware, so software can't exceed those values.

As for what they should be set to... can only be found by trial and error.
Re: Yet another Humming Stepper Thread....
June 20, 2015 08:05AM
the two places I had to set that were in pronterface:

That section had to be changed so I could get it to stop buzzing when testing it from PRONTERFACE.. Also as suggested, I had to update the firmware's HOMING_FEEDRATE to get homing to work.. I still haven't found the values to make the extruder work right yet though..
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