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24V controllable power supply?

Posted by Vuokko 
24V controllable power supply?
February 25, 2016 08:02PM
I'm building my first 3D printer (i3) and I have been thinking it through like this: If I go to 24 volts, my currents will be half of the 12V and mr. Ohm says it's good thing as P = UI and P = RI^2.
I can lower motor driving currents, get bit more faster actions, connect Z in series and heat my wires and FETs less.

I planned to take D1 off and check the caps. Also I consider powering Arduino through Raspberry Pi's USB port. On Pi I'll be running Octopi.

Only thing I'm missing is some 24 volt power supply which I can control with PS_ON pin. Does anyone know where to get such PSU? Or is my plan already doomed?
Re: 24V controllable power supply?
February 25, 2016 10:00PM
As far as I'm aware only atx type power supplies have a PS_ON line

But there is nothing stopping you setting up a 5v triggered mains relay to turn any supply on and off or use a triac

eg [arduinodiy.wordpress.com]
or [www.instructables.com]
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