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Dead Pololu?

Posted by unicoder 
Dead Pololu?
May 17, 2011 01:09PM
I think I may have killed one of my pololu drivers. All the drivers were working fine until I had a renegade bare wire come over and land on it and sparks flew. Now the stepper won't move in either direction. It clearly "hears" my commands but it just kind of stutters/jogs like it's fighting to go both ways at the same time or something but stays put.
There aren't any obvious signs of damage to the circuit, so I wanted to post here first to see if anyone had any ideas as to what else could be wrong with it before I shell out the cash for a new one.
The thing that's really weird is that when the wire hit the pololu driver, I could have sworn it was the X-axis driver and when it happened the X-axis just went berserk and push the extruder all the way to the right and kept on pushing. After the incident, however, the X-axis driver seems fine and the Y-axis is the one with the problem.
I can easily move the X-axis back and forth when it's not on.
I guess I just thought of a couple ways I can debug the issue. I should try using a known working driver and see if it works. If not, I guess that would mean my Y-axis stepper got fried?
Anyone else ever have something similar happen/have a solution. I guess I'm hoping that it's something simple like some bad firmware settings winking smiley
Re: Dead Pololu?
May 17, 2011 07:40PM
ya i am going to take a guess and say your stepper is fried, i hope to buy a few backups for my self here soon too.

Re: Dead Pololu?
May 17, 2011 09:14PM
So I went ahead and swapped in a good pololu and my Y-axis started working, so I guess that proves that the driver is bad. Bummer.
Re: Dead Pololu?
June 05, 2011 07:04PM
Had exactly the same problem. Turns out the short shattered one of the little capacitors.
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