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I need help with RAMPS 1.3

Posted by Adriano 
I need help with RAMPS 1.3
July 05, 2011 08:11PM
I bought an Axis Kit from Botmill, it came with RAMPS 1.3. It's all set but doesn't connect. I'm having problems to install the software. When I connect to Repsnaper, the motors make a little noise, but nothing move. Can anybody help me?
Re: I need help with RAMPS 1.3
July 06, 2011 07:10AM
Tell us which OS, and which version of Repsnapper if you can. Some versions, like the Windows beta, don't auto-locate the port, so it has to be done by hand.

Firmware is also important, as some default to a baud rate of 19200, and others to 115200. Some firmware is not even compatible with RAMPS.
Re: I need help with RAMPS 1.3
July 06, 2011 08:27AM
Good morning, I appreciate your help ...
The operating system that I´m using is Windows Vista Home Premium, Repsnappe_v352 the firmware [github.com]. Arduino0022 ...
I know nothing about the program, if you could describe step by step how to solve this problem ..
thanks Adriano
Re: I need help with RAMPS 1.3
July 06, 2011 01:05PM
Check for shorts would be the irst step I guess. Does the arduino work without the shield attached?

Botmill doesn't seem to have a to good reputation...

PLA, ABS, PETG multiple colors (3 and 1.75 mm) €16,49 / kg
Megatronics 3.0 €79.99 / Minitronics €37,19
Re: I need help with RAMPS 1.3
July 06, 2011 07:16PM
Hi brupje sorry I don't know what is the shield attached?
I program the Arduino like this: I open the Arduino program.
I select the folder tonokip_firmware933c0b6 ...
then configuration.h
To conclude
The Tx and Rx lights Arduino and the LED flash Ramps ...
Don't make any changes to the firmware ... I don't know what to do
And this process should I do?
About Botmill, it's been 2 weeks I send emails and not even get an straight answer to help and solve my problem. (but about it, it's another post)
Re: I need help with RAMPS 1.3
July 07, 2011 09:02AM
Let's do this Step by Step.

1. Since you are using Vista, just be aware that I am using Windows7, so there may be some difference in what I am telling you.

2. Download Sprinter firmware. This is the current firmware you want to use with RAMPS. The Repsanpper version you have is also very old. Use the latest Windows Beta.

3. When you connect your Arduino MEGA/RAMPS to the computer, make sure that the Device show up in the "Ports" section of the device manager, and not in the "Unknown" section.

4. If it does show up in the unknown section, install the drivers that are included with Arduino 022, in the drivers folder. Keep in mind that there are two (2) versions of the MEGA. 1280 and 2650. You have to install the correct driver AND select the proper version in Arduino 022 setup. You will also need to make sure that the correct COM port is selected.

5. Once you have reached this point, you are ALMOST ready to load up the firmware into the Arduino MEGA. You need to edit the Pins file. Locate the following section:

// uncomment one of the following lines for RAMPS v1.3 or v1.0, comment both for v1.2 or 1.1
// #define RAMPS_V_1_3
// #define RAMPS_V_1_0

and take out the two \\ in front of #define RAMPS_V_1_3 so that it looks like this:

// uncomment one of the following lines for RAMPS v1.3 or v1.0, comment both for v1.2 or 1.1
#define RAMPS_V_1_3
// #define RAMPS_V_1_0

6. Now save everything, and upload the firmware. If everything is set up correctly, you should see a message indicating that the upload completed successfully.

7. Close Arduino 022, and open RepSnapper. You will need to set the Baud Rate to 115200, and the COM port to what ever your PC detected for the Arduino MEGA. Just for your information, this Beta version has a bug that does not save the COM port location, so you have to select it every time. Some other settings are also affected by this bug, but I do not remember them right now.

8. With everything powered on, press the "Connect to printer" button in Repsnapper. You should hear the machine make some noises, and then go quiet again.

9. Click on the "Interactive" tab. This is where we can manually control the machine movements, Fan On/Off, Heat Temp/On/Off.

10. Try pressing the three (3) +10 buttons. These will try and move each axis 10mm in the positive direction: X - From Left to Right, Y - From Back to Front, Z - From Bottom to Top. If you do not get movement, or if the movement is in the wrong direction from what I have stated, make notes, and I will try and correct it.

11. Now try pressing the three (3) -10 buttons. These will try and move each axis 10mm in the negative direction: X - From Right to Left, Y - From Front to Back, Z - From Top to Bottom. If you do not get movement, or if the movement is in the wrong direction, take notes.

12. Axis moved in the wrong direction: Power off the RAMPS power supply, and flip the connector for that axis on the RAMPS board.

13. Axis moved in one direction, but not in the other: This is a sign that the configuration.h file needs to be edited, and the firmware uploaded again. The section you want to look at in the endstop settings. I am going to assume that the Botmill Axis comes with Opto-Endstops.

// Sets direction of endstops when homing; 1=MAX, -1=MIN
const int X_HOME_DIR = -1;
const int Y_HOME_DIR = -1;
const int Z_HOME_DIR = -1;

const bool min_software_endstops = false; //If true, axis won't move to coordinates less than zero.
const bool max_software_endstops = true; //If true, axis won't move to coordinates greater than the defined lengths below.
const int X_MAX_LENGTH = 200;
const int Y_MAX_LENGTH = 200;
const int Z_MAX_LENGTH = 100;
Re: I need help with RAMPS 1.3
July 10, 2011 02:39PM
(jcraber) I would first like to thank you for the detailed explanation. Only today I managed to move the printer and follow the steps mentioned ...
Everything seems to work well .... I found that I have burned two stepper driver .. I'll get new ones this week ... so I will install them to make the first tests .... I'll keep informed about the setup process ...
Once again I appeciate your help
Re: I need help with RAMPS 1.3
July 10, 2011 07:10PM
Could you please help me, I was following your recommendations for my Prusa SAE using mechanical END Stops
and wade extruder. My RAMPS I ordered from Ultimachine web store. As a software I use ReplicatorG, Repsnapper not connecting at all even if I change bod rate to 115200 and select proper com port.
So far I was trying Splinter firmware but I have two problems:

1. All motors can move to only one direction.
2. Extruder motor don't move at all.

I am using one 12v power supply connected to 5A site with no D1.

Best regards,
Re: I need help with RAMPS 1.3
July 10, 2011 08:24PM
@maxoutny: When the axis moves in only one direction, it means that the firmware configuration for endstops is opposite of what the actual configuration is. This is refered to as inverted or non-inverted.

It happens because you can always move away from the home position in the (+) direction, but not (-), so if the end stop looks like it's blocked, when it's actually open, it won't move.

This is a common problem posted on these forums. Have a look at some of the other posts. Basically, you need to look at that configure.h file.
Re: I need help with RAMPS 1.3
July 11, 2011 06:31AM
Thank you for replying, I am trying to understand logic. Now I have all electronics on table including step motors and would like to make sure all working fire prior to install it on my Prusa.

Based on previous post I was able to select proper board (RAMPS 1.3). My END Stops are mechanical and it is not connected, it should be not meter, because they are not shorted in default position.
Now even if I change setting in firmware for
const int X_HOME_DIR = -1;
const int Y_HOME_DIR = -1;
const int Z_HOME_DIR = -1;

to 1 my motors still moving to only one direction and it doesn't meter what I press in software + or -.
Extruder motor attached to E0 still not move at all. I checked other posts and didn't found any clear solutions.
Please advise and thank you all.
Re: I need help with RAMPS 1.3
July 11, 2011 06:52AM
Ok, changing line in configuration.h
const bool ENDSTOPS_INVERTING from FALSE to TRUE did the trick; now all my axis move to both directions,
but E0 still not working...
Re: I need help with RAMPS 1.3
July 13, 2011 08:04AM
Is the motor at E0 vibrating, or not moving at all? Can you turn it by hand? Is the stepper driver warm/hot (be carefult when checking!)

Power everything off, and plug the E0 driver into another socket like X, and see if the problem moves with the driver board. It not unusual for newbs to burn out a driver or two during initial testing.
Re: I need help with RAMPS 1.3
July 13, 2011 02:01PM
I did all basic troubleshooting and know for sure all my Polulu and motors are fine.
After some research I found about problems with ReplicatorG RAMPS 1.3 and Sprinter firmware.
After switched to another software all working fine.
i have xp, ramps 1.3 from ultimaker. i follow you directions but repsnapper times out on the connection. ive made sure my com port is set to 115200 and repsnapper to 115200. dont know were to go from here any help would be greatfull.
Re: I need help with RAMPS 1.3
July 13, 2011 04:20PM
I had the same problem, just get this software and see the different. Check readme file and install required software prior to use it. Works on my Windows 7 32bit

thank you maxoutny got it all loaded up and it moves. thanks again
Re: I need help with RAMPS 1.3
July 18, 2011 09:16AM
Good Morning! My printer seems to be working well, although haven't
installed the hot bed yet (came missing in the kit purchased from Botmill) However

I'm having the following problem .... When extrussora will print the

second layer its nozzle is very close to the first layer, rubbing almost the
same ... I don't know how to set, when the it changes the layer, to take the nozzle a little higher .....
I really appreciate your help.
Re: I need help with RAMPS 1.3
July 18, 2011 02:29PM
Look at the setting in Skeinforge called "BOTTOM". Set the additional heigh over width ratio a little higher, and try again until you get a good distance.

As an alternative, you can move your Z-Axis end stop up a little bit so the first layer is not so compressed.
Re: I need help with RAMPS 1.3
July 18, 2011 06:48PM
It's easier to think about it if you set the altitude instead of changing the height over width ratio. The default of 0.5 for the ratio puts the nozzle at the layer height as it should be instead of 1/2 the layer height. Then the altitude can be used to move the nozzle higher (negative value) or lower (positive value) to compensate for the actual bed clearance. It's safer to set the bed a little higher (I use a sheet of paper) while the nozzle is hot to prevent a crash.

But it sounds more like the z-axis may not be moving as it should between layers. Did you enable the limit option in Skeinforge and set the z speed limit to something reasonable like 1.5 mm/s?
Re: I need help with RAMPS 1.3
July 18, 2011 08:10PM
The software I use is the Repsnapper ....
Once installed the skeinforge
I go into skeinforge ..
Choose extrusion ...
Bottom ...
Height over additional layer thickness (radio) where I do the necessary setting
Save all ...
I open the Repsnapper
and do the test print
Is this step by step correct?
Re: I need help with RAMPS 1.3
July 18, 2011 08:36PM
I had never used the Skeinforge to make some ajustments, only the Repsnaper
I'm gonna pay attention about the (Z) speed
What I noticed is that the nozzle is always touching previous layer.
Re: I need help with RAMPS 1.3
July 18, 2011 09:22PM
In the print options tab, there's a printer settings button. Go there and make sure that the maximum z feed rate is around 60 mm/min. That's a good place to start. Then you can check how fast you can push your z axis using manual nudges and then set it a little lower.
Re: I need help with RAMPS 1.3
July 20, 2011 10:26AM
The problem with height of the nozzle solved ... Now I have a new problem...
For example .. Printing a 80mm cube, the result is a "cube" 80mm wide x 80mm long x 20mm tall ... How do I correct that? Seems that the axis is not printing all the necessary layers for that, can you help me how to solve it?
Re: I need help with RAMPS 1.3
July 20, 2011 11:14AM
That's a large error: 20 mm instead of 80 mm tall! You should be able to measure the displacement in the z direction by sending a command to nudge the z axis by 10 mm and measure it. If it comes out wrong at 60 mm/s feed rate, then you need to correct your z steps per mm in the firmware. If it comes out right, then maybe you still have your z limit set too high and it's missing steps. I assume that your g-code is fine.
Re: I need help with RAMPS 1.3
July 20, 2011 01:35PM
I made the test and when I send the z-axis to move 10mm, it only moves 3.8 mm.
Is the problem on the firmware? How do I solve this?
I'm using the firmware that Jcabrer told me to use before in this forum.
I know nothing about settings ...
How should I proceed?
Re: I need help with RAMPS 1.3
July 21, 2011 10:19AM
Commanded move / actual move = multiplier

10mm / 3.8mm = 2.631578947368421

Find the Z axis line in configuration.h that looks like this:

//// Calibration variables
// X, Y, Z, E steps per unit - Metric Prusa Mendel with Wade extruder:
//float axis_steps_per_unit[] = {80, 80, 3200/1.25,700}; 
// Metric Prusa Mendel with Makergear geared stepper extruder:
float axis_steps_per_unit[] = {80,80,3200/1.25,1380};

... and make it look like this:

//// Calibration variables
// X, Y, Z, E steps per unit - Metric Prusa Mendel with Wade extruder:
//float axis_steps_per_unit[] = {80, 80, 3200/1.25,700}; 
// Metric Prusa Mendel with Makergear geared stepper extruder:
float axis_steps_per_unit[] = {80,80,(3200/1.25)*2.631578947368421,1380};

This applies for each axis. If you command X to move 100mm, and it only moves 75mm, the line would look like this:

100mm / 75mm = 1.333333333333333
//// Calibration variables
// X, Y, Z, E steps per unit - Metric Prusa Mendel with Wade extruder:
//float axis_steps_per_unit[] = {80, 80, 3200/1.25,700}; 
// Metric Prusa Mendel with Makergear geared stepper extruder:
float axis_steps_per_unit[] = {80 * 1.333333333333333,80,3200/1.25,1380};

float axis_steps_per_unit[] = {X-Axis_Steps, Y-Axis_Steps, Z-Axis_Steps, E-Axis_Steps};

You can continue repeating the calculation over and over to get more accurate, so if you command the z axis 100mm after the adjustment, and it moves 102mm

100mm / 102mm = 0.9803921568627451

float axis_steps_per_unit[] = {80,80,(3200/1.25)*2.631578947368421*0.9803921568627451,1380};
Re: I need help with RAMPS 1.3
July 21, 2011 03:42PM
This shouldn't be necessary. Why not just calculate it?

For the Prusa, just calculate it from the the thread pitch for the z lead screw:

steps per mm = (steps per revolution)/(mm per thread)

For the standard Mendel, here's quote from another thread

A standard Mendel has 8 teeth on the stepper motor and 21 teeth on the threaded bar.
1 rotation (360°) of the standard M8 threaded bar 1,25 mm vertical movement.

400 steps/rotation x (21/8) x (1 rotation) / (1,25 mm) = 840 steps/mm for the Z-axis!

That's for half-stepping motor. If you're set to 1/16 steps, then multiply by 8.

The same is true for the X and Y axis. Why not just calculate it?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/21/2011 03:45PM by brnrd.
Re: I need help with RAMPS 1.3
July 21, 2011 05:32PM
Keep in mind that we are talking about belt-driven axis whose pulleys are printed in plastic, so you can't (except for Z-Axis) rely strictly on the ideal measurements.
Re: I need help with RAMPS 1.3
July 21, 2011 05:50PM
The plastic gear is still turning a toothed belt with a very uniform teeth per mm. So axis will move the same amount per revolution even if there are some imperfections in the gear. If the gear is really bad, the axis will still not move in a linear fashion with steps and will tend to wander every revolution of the gear even if you go through all these calibrations with test prints.
Re: I need help with RAMPS 1.3
July 21, 2011 06:13PM
Yes the XY steps per mm is just dependent on the pitch of the belt and the number of teeth.

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