Re: Contacts meeting in August !!
June 20, 2012 09:03AM
Hi Stewart,

That's the only day in July I can't do sad smiley

- but don't let that stop you, especially if it's a good date for everyone else. No doubt there's plenty of local machines/interest anyway.

You might want to PM the guys down Devon way in case they miss your post. Last time I looked they were lurking in another thread on this WoE forum.

smileys with beer
Re: Contacts info for a get together
June 20, 2012 04:59PM
Hello everyone,

Have a great time at the weekend, sorry I can't make it, but It's my daughters birthday party.

But I do have a venue we can use in Stroud for any weekend in July -

I have been watching the dates flying in, so I wanted to add an event and attempt to fit-in with the dates already taken, maybe I should send over the details to Hamish if that's ok, and you can discuss a suitable date at the meeting this weekend, I have the venue for any weekend in July so I know some other dates and events have already been discussed. let me know if a suitable date pops up.
It can be an all day event say 11:00AM to late.
Anyone not making the event this weekend, PM me next week and I'll send over the details and directions.

I was thinking we could do a Chilli if it's raining or maybe a BBQ if it's nice.

Happy to run a RepRap hospital, print challenges and anything else people fancy, we will a reasonable amount of space.

Take some photo's and have good printing fun!



Re: Contacts info for a get together
June 21, 2012 04:09AM
Hi Stewart,

That's the only day in July I can't do as well,

I might be able to make it for a bit but I know I need to be back in Cheltenham for late afternoon.

Still up for a trip down at some point, as Hamish says, if anyone comes it’s got to be worth it for you and whoever appears.

Is it worth a post in General to redirect anyone in the area, being as there is lots going on? WOE RUG isn’t an easy place to find

Stroud in July, Sounds good smiling smiley

Re: Contacts info for a get together
June 21, 2012 07:08AM
Oooooh. Is that two events we're having in July! smiling bouncing smiley
Awesome. I'll be there - any w/e except the 21/22 July.

Good stuff re the hall Rich!

Is it worth a post in General to redirect anyone in the area, being as there is lots going on? WOE RUG isn’t an easy place to find

Sounds like a good idea Rob - are you going to look after spreading the word?

Also just a reminder, this thread can always be accessed from:


either of which is much easier to remember than .../read.php?227,81599,138931#msg-138931.

Stick it in your signature and we'll spread the word even faster. smiling smiley

Re: Contacts info for a get together
June 21, 2012 10:07AM
Looking forward to all these meetings,

Ive posted in General and updated my sigunature


Join us at a regular West of England RepRap User Group event
For details, visit or
Re: Contacts info for a get together
June 21, 2012 10:43AM
Well, as that is a few of you that can't do the 21st, how about the week after? Saturday 28th.

Would that be more suitable for you Rob and Hamish?
Re: Contacts info for a get together
June 21, 2012 12:08PM
Hi Stewart - Great! It's in the calendar.

Next thing is for us northerners to try an co-ordinate transport to the deep south. Some thing to discuss on Sat.
Re: Contacts info for a get together
June 21, 2012 12:26PM
Rob, and anyone else for that matter -

If you wanted clickable links in your signature block you can copy paste the literal text I used, (or some version of it, if you prefer) from here:

Re: Contacts info for a get together
June 21, 2012 01:39PM
28th is good by me


Join us at a regular West of England RepRap User Group event
For details, visit or
Re: Contacts info for a get together
June 23, 2012 03:58PM
I've recently moved to Devon (near Totnes) and only just found this thread. I have seen the Devon UG forum but there doesn't seem to be a lot of activity there - am I looking in the right place?

Just finished a Prusa and managed a few initial prints although it's currently dismantled as I have lent my extruder to my son who needed something for an exhibition. Keen to meet up to discuss ideas, etc - as mentioned, Internet input is all very well (and has turned up lots of good ideas for me) but nothing beats face-to-face discussion with someone who has been there already!

Now I've found this thread, I shall watch for "next meeting" dates and try to come along.
Re: Contacts meeting in August !!
June 23, 2012 05:11PM
Just got back from the West of England RUG in Ledbury. Had a great time and learnt a huge amount. Thank you Hamish for organising this and providing the venue. Hamish, can you please thank your wife from Tom and I for the wonderful cakes. It was great to put faces and names to handles. Look forward to seeing everyone on July 14th. I think Stroud might have been mentioned. I think Hamish, a.k.a HairyKiwi may have a couple of photos and an account to post.
Re: Contacts info for a get together
June 23, 2012 06:01PM
Hi Nick and all,

It was a pleasure!

FYI: I bought my 1 l bottle of acetone from Shiny Hardware Limited

I hope I'm a little more productive next get together - c'est la vie - such is RepRap life. I did already mention the 14th July to Rich - so it shouldn't be too long before he confirms.

Look forward to seeing you all agin next month!

Below is the scene from earlier today. We also had a couple of local's drop by to check out DIY 3D printing - father and son Steve and Joe.

For anyone else contemplating hosting an event 'in-home', I reckon there was room for one more machine (two at a push) in the space (kitchen/diner) shown.

Things we all need to remember to bring:
Extension leads - ideally med to heavy duty with a four way + socket strip.
A fire extinguisher - Rob brought his along which was very much appreciated for added peace of mind.

Re: Contacts info for a get together
June 24, 2012 04:01AM
Pleasure to meet up with you all yesterday.

Thanks for the efforts with my Greg's extruder and to Hamish for the hosting.

Home in time for the 2nd half of Spain/France.


Prusa Mendel /Parcan Mk 2/1280 RAMPS 1.4/PC XP OS/Pronterface/Slic3r

In the UK, down south & over to the left you'll find the West of England RUG.
For details, visit or
Re: Contacts info for a get together
June 25, 2012 03:09PM
Hey guys, thought i would say hi here as im based in gloucester, with a Cupcake (heated bed) and linear bearing Mendel. any chance of tagging along to the next meet?

Re: Contacts info for a get together
June 25, 2012 06:43PM

Thanks Hamish for hosting again, and apologies for my early arrival,
Looking forward to the Next Events, but the fire safety and extensions is a good point for any venue.

Sweaving, im sure you would be most welcome, personally i cant say ive met a cupcake in the flesh before, im most intrigued,


Join us at a regular West of England RepRap User Group event
For details, visit or
Re: Contacts info for a get together
June 26, 2012 07:21PM
Sweaving, I'm sure you'd be more than welcome to come along to events with your cupcake. I myself have both a cupcake and Thing-o-Matic (In both cases I have fairly early machines, getting in the first batch of the ToM), and while I much prefer the RepRaps over them, they are still usable machines.

Regarding fire safety and such, everything is well covered for that down at my end (as part of my tenancy I have to provide update fire assessments) so fire extinguishers, power sockets and the like are in ample supply.

Re: Contacts info for a get together
July 02, 2012 05:12AM
Hi all,

just finished a Prusa build and have done some initial printing, I live in the wilds of Glos and I'm very keen to meet up with fellow RepRappers, very glad to have found this group.

It sounds like there is to be a meet later this month it would be great to tag along.


Re: Contacts info for a get together
July 02, 2012 05:24AM
I heard a rumour that there was to be one in Stroud around the 14th but I don't believe there has been official confirmation yet. Anyone know if this is happening or not? If not, then I think the next one may be in Exeter.

ncibbit Wrote:
> Hi all,
> just finished a Prusa build and have done some
> initial printing, I live in the wilds of Glos and
> I'm very keen to meet up with fellow RepRappers,
> very glad to have found this group.
> It sounds like there is to be a meet later this
> month it would be great to tag along.
> cheers
> Nick

Using ABSPrusa Mendel Zaphod with Pronterface and slic3r 1.3.0. Printing well with 3mm PLA and ABS through 2 x J Head Mk IV b and Wade Geared Exruders. Controlled using RAMPS1.4 board running Marlin_v1.1.9
Re: Contacts info for a get together
July 02, 2012 10:20AM
Stroud on the 14th sounds great, hope this can be confirmed
Re: Contacts info for a get together
July 02, 2012 10:39AM
Hello all,

We have a RepRap get together planned in Stroud on Saturday 14th July if anyone wants to come along. I'm easy with times, I was thinking about 11:00am start until we have had enough in the evening.

I'm borrowing a house for the day, so we have plenty of space and facilities it should be nice and relaxed, some food and drinks, printing and chat and maybe even some new development.

We will have the RepRap hospital setup so bring along your sick machines or jammed extruder's and we'll get them up-and running again.

I'm aware Rob, Mike, Nick and Hamish are able to make it, I see a few more people have expressed an interest in coming so if anyone else would like to join in the fun, just PM me and I'll send you over the details. If you can make it do try to come along, bring a machine if you can, they are always good fun and a fantastic way to learn more about this great hobby.

I was planning on doing a Chilli for the afternoon/evening, and we will have plenty of drinks, biscuits and cake during the day to keep us all going.

Looking forward to it,



Re: Contacts info for a get together
July 02, 2012 01:26PM
Rich, sounds great, PM me with the address please. I have an idea I'm batting around, I'll PM you, see what you think. Thanks for organising the get together.


Prusa Mendel /Parcan Mk 2/1280 RAMPS 1.4/PC XP OS/Pronterface/Slic3r

In the UK, down south & over to the left you'll find the West of England RUG.
For details, visit or
Re: Contacts info for a get together
July 03, 2012 12:55PM
Just checked train times, and I can happily make the 14th as long as you are finished (or don't mind me leaving) by around 8pm, so I can get the train back home!

I'll need PMing the address.

Re: Contacts info for a get together
July 03, 2012 01:47PM
I Rich

hope to come on the 14th, PM me with the times and address please

Will be bringing my machine if that OK, but need to talk to the the wife (Hope !) about using her laptop, due to my base machine is two large etc.,


Paul: )-D
Re: Contacts info for a get together
July 03, 2012 04:19PM
Cool stuff guys!

Paul, if it's any problem I can bring a couple of laptops.

Looking forward to it.

- Hamish
Re: Contacts info for a get together
July 03, 2012 04:23PM
Hi Everyone,

Sorry for the delay, I'll get directions over to all of you tomorrow.



Re: Contacts info for a get together
July 04, 2012 06:38AM
I'm a bit busy to take part in any of the fun at the moment, but there is a venue called "Bristol and Bath Science Park" who will allow "community" events for free, if after hours and we ask nicely. It's being used in August for the "Raspberry Jam" event about the Raspberry Pi. There is a nice open cafe area and plenty of space/power and probably wifi.
If anyone wants to try and organise something and can't figure out who to talk to, PM me and I can pass on some names.

There are also a couple of companies here that are involved in 3D printing in some way and may well be interested in making presentations, helping out or joining in.

Re: Contacts info for a get together
July 04, 2012 07:23AM
Good to hear from you Max!

Sounds very promising - and there must be some RepRap activity going on in and around Bristol.

Speaking of which, where in the world is BigDoug?

- Hamish
Re: Contacts info for a get together
July 04, 2012 07:49AM
You had me confused for a minute there Hamish, misread 'BigDoug' for a company name very close to it, from whom I've just taken receipt of a large number of shelving units from.

Not to blow my own trumpet too much, but I've finally dragged my website kicking and screaming into the light, currently made up just of blog posts about my recent move to Exeter and into the new workshop. If you fancy something to read over lunch (with plenty of pictures) you are welcome to go check it out, link in my sig. As an added bonus expect to see some discount codes flying around at the meetups, should you folks feel like supporting a tiny little business smiling smiley

Looking forward to next weekend!
Re: Contacts info for a get together
July 04, 2012 08:20AM
Hi Stewart - good to see your business developing - must be very exciting seeing things come together.

Personally, I'm in favour of all relevant businesses advertising as you just have.

All the best with your endeavour,
Re: Contacts info for a get together
July 04, 2012 08:55AM
Hi Max,

I'm actually helping organise that event in Bristol at the Science park, they have kindly offered us the space for free to do the Raspberry Jam event, my plan was to discuss with them about RepRap events after this one all works out well.

You can book a ticket here - []

I can get you all the details for the venue if anyone wants to try to book a RepRap event before I get a chance to discuss it with them.



max_allan Wrote:
> I'm a bit busy to take part in any of the fun at
> the moment, but there is a venue called "Bristol
> and Bath Science Park" who will allow "community"
> events for free, if after hours and we ask nicely.
> It's being used in August for the "Raspberry Jam"
> event about the Raspberry Pi. There is a nice open
> cafe area and plenty of space/power and probably
> wifi.
> If anyone wants to try and organise something and
> can't figure out who to talk to, PM me and I can
> pass on some names.
> There are also a couple of companies here that are
> involved in 3D printing in some way and may well
> be interested in making presentations, helping out
> or joining in.
> Max

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