I have to say the reason I participate in the world of RepRap is because of its power to remove profit from the way the world works while still making us all wealthy.
The concept is to provide free space on the community resource page to anyone/company participating in open source. To be clear I mean anyone who provides opensource hardware or software files to the community will be able to add themselves to the Suppliers section of the community resource page. The reason for this is to LOWER the costs of parts and supplies. If we charge the companies for AD space they just charge it back to the community and we ALL lose in the long run.
As for costs of hosting. The file hosting like I said would be done through GIThub on their free plan for public repo's. You will be able to use your own GIThub account and simply provide a link to the GIT page and it will sort the data appropriately as long as it has a Readme.txt and some other files available for download. I was also thinking of creating a GIThub account under the site name to upload items for people who do not wish to get there own GIThub account.
The site hosting itself (other than repos) I was willing to pay for out of pocket because it's a low price to pay to be freed from AD's. (the sites I use the most and like the most on the web are all free of ads: Craigslist, RepRap Forums, GIThub, etc.)
I have no issue with using Bit-coins as a way to fund the website or even to have a Donation button so people can willingly fund the site.
I am making the site so we have a choice other than the COMMERCIAL sites available now. I see no reason to perpetuate the current system. But rather create the world I want to live in.