First off I'm not sure if this is the correct area to request help but I do appreciate the input of those in the community.
I'm currently working on my first build for a school project and I'm having trouble getting my endstops working properly. I'm building a delta style printer and using the RAMPS 1.4 Kit along with Marlin. I have tested the motors and endstops in pronterface and everything appears fine. However when I try to home the printer something odd happens.
Upon homing the printer, all three motors start operating and moving towards MAX but once the x-endstop for instance is depressed, both the x and z motors stop operating. Then once I press the y-endstop the y motor stops but the z motor starts back up while the x motor is still stopped. Then once the z-endstop is pressed the z motor stops. So it seems like an endstop is controlling two motors.
From what I understand the endstops should not operate like this. Everything has gone rather smoothly up until this point but I cannot figure this out for the life of me. I'm not sure if I have an error in Marlin or my wiring connections. So if anyone could help me diagnose this I would appreciate it. Thanks for your help and time.