Re: CraftWare 16. July 2014 07:27 |
Registrierungsdatum: 11 Jahre zuvor Beiträge: 99 |
Re: CraftWare 16. July 2014 12:49 |
Registrierungsdatum: 10 Jahre zuvor Beiträge: 501 |
Re: CraftWare 16. July 2014 14:49 |
Registrierungsdatum: 12 Jahre zuvor Beiträge: 1.916 |
Re: CraftWare 16. July 2014 17:14 |
Registrierungsdatum: 10 Jahre zuvor Beiträge: 6 |
Re: CraftWare 17. July 2014 13:42 |
Registrierungsdatum: 10 Jahre zuvor Beiträge: 102 |
Re: CraftWare 18. July 2014 04:34 |
Registrierungsdatum: 10 Jahre zuvor Beiträge: 1 |
Re: CraftWare 19. July 2014 03:18 |
Registrierungsdatum: 13 Jahre zuvor Beiträge: 799 |
And before i forget it, the most important question, whats the target of the software when it is finished, will it be free or will there be an base(free) and/or a pro version ? what will the cost be?, just what licence typ do you plan ?
Re: CraftWare 19. July 2014 04:45 |
Registrierungsdatum: 11 Jahre zuvor Beiträge: 249 |
Re: CraftWare 19. July 2014 07:55 |
Registrierungsdatum: 11 Jahre zuvor Beiträge: 1.103 |
No, because you can extrude at different widths using the same nozzle diameter.Quote
Isn´t ist better to change the "extrusion width" under ->Basic settings -> Resolution into "Nozzle Diameter" ?
Re: CraftWare 19. July 2014 08:46 |
Registrierungsdatum: 11 Jahre zuvor Beiträge: 249 |
Re: CraftWare 21. July 2014 08:59 |
Registrierungsdatum: 10 Jahre zuvor Beiträge: 6 |
Nö bisher keine Dualhead unterstützung.
I just tried out Beta 1.02, a little bit better, but before i give feedback again i would like to have an answer on my most important question.
And before i forget it, the most important question, whats the target of the software when it is finished, will it be free or will there be an base(free) and/or a pro version ? what will the cost be?, just what licence typ do you plan ?
Re: CraftWare 21. July 2014 14:08 |
Registrierungsdatum: 13 Jahre zuvor Beiträge: 799 |
Nö bisher keine Dualhead unterstützung.
I just tried out Beta 1.02, a little bit better, but before i give feedback again i would like to have an answer on my most important question.
And before i forget it, the most important question, whats the target of the software when it is finished, will it be free or will there be an base(free) and/or a pro version ? what will the cost be?, just what licence typ do you plan ?
Ok, it will be free all time, but we may display CraftBot advertisement in a non-annoying manner once after software launch.
Re: CraftWare 26. July 2014 06:35 |
Registrierungsdatum: 10 Jahre zuvor Beiträge: 6 |
Re: CraftWare 26. July 2014 06:52 |
Registrierungsdatum: 11 Jahre zuvor Beiträge: 249 |
Re: CraftWare 30. July 2014 02:53 |
Registrierungsdatum: 13 Jahre zuvor Beiträge: 799 |
Re: CraftWare 30. July 2014 16:09 |
Registrierungsdatum: 10 Jahre zuvor Beiträge: 6 |
Re: CraftWare 30. July 2014 16:48 |
Registrierungsdatum: 13 Jahre zuvor Beiträge: 799 |
Re: CraftWare 03. August 2014 02:23 |
Registrierungsdatum: 10 Jahre zuvor Beiträge: 4 |
Re: CraftWare 03. August 2014 08:18 |
Registrierungsdatum: 11 Jahre zuvor Beiträge: 1.103 |
CraftWare 1.04 beta - 2014.08.01
You must reinstall 1.04 because all the dll files have been replaced due to the upgrade from Qt 5.1.1 to 5.3.1. The update.exe file can only replace the main executable file but not the required dll files, it's unfortunately not enough for this update.
InfillThicknes: Stronger infill walls can be made of more than one extruded line (Basic settings/Infill/Thickness).
FirstLayerExtrusionRation: Extrusion override for the first layer.
FirstLayerDrawSpeed: Speed override for the first layer. Works along with the InitialLayerSpeed/Count settings.
SlicerForm: Import/Export preset. File extension is ".cwsp" (CW Slicer Preset). It's saved in a human readable JSON format.
SlicerForm text in the controls turns green when their values are different from the current preset/profile.
Slicer: Retract bug. Sometimes the program did not allow Far Travels (alongside retracting) when they would be necessary.
Slicer: RepairCorners functionality was bugged (crashed) with complex meshes like Thingiverse/Dragonfly Wing Set.
Popup Forms: form size is no longer restricted. During form creation the function "adjustSize()" is used, you can still resize the form if it fails (because Qt doesn't like warped text labels and such)
Preview display is now aware of the current Raft configuration.
CraftWare v1.03 beta - 2014.07.25
Known bugs
When PolygonFillStyle is set to "Odd" there are some perimeter artifacts.
When StartAtLayer is not equal to LastPosition. This setting will be ignored until corrected.
Slicer form is closeable while slicing is in progress.
Options/NumCPU setting doesn't effect actual CPU core usage.
Rare random crashes.
There are a few (1-5) random bright pixels on the screen.
Features and bug fixes
Shell Thickness calculated fields: LayerHeight and ExtrusionWidth values were swapped.
An option to turn off environment mapping in both object and support view in unison.
Tab order corrections
Brim has been completely redesigned. (Although the previous ''fishing net'' feature will return in the future, I think it's simple and practical with a heated bed to strengthen the supports)
Crashes while adjusting the brim/skirt fixed.
MakerBot M132 is not interpreted by the gcode viewer as a sign that the XY is centered at 0,0. Use Options/BuildVolume instead.
New circular build platform option.
gcode decoder: Now it understands comments in KISS, MakerWare, Cura gcodes and uses appropriate colors based on the segment type.
gcode text display is available in the gcode viewer.
Popup form resolutions are maximized to 1000x700 pixels.
Models bigger than 4M triangles will not crash (there is a GPU limit on the VBO size), rather they will be drawn incomplete.
Slicer Form: inappropriate CPU usage (10-20%) reduced. Now it is more careful when changing widget stylesheets.
CraftWare v1.02 beta - 2014.07.18
Features and bug fixes
RepairCorners default is now 0
RepairCorners works for more than one loops. Although it's not necessary because outer corners are automatically collapse to sharp corners and inner corners (in holes) are tend to grow into big circles that can't be repaired.
Slightly improved RepairCorners: No need to increment PathSmoothing from default 0.08 to 0.1.
Installer runs vcredist in /quiet mode.
Slicing crash caused by the performance monitor thing is fixed.
Bug: "I wasn't able to load Stored presets yet? Only when saving the project and reloading it again." -> presets are now saved into the registry.
Selectable Polygon Filler Algorithm: You can choose between fast or error-prone methods.
Shell Thickness auto-calculated fields.
Layer start position is selectable: Sequential, Random, North, South, East, West. Sequential is slow, but minimizes travel between adjacent layers.
My misunderstanding of Raft is renamed to Brim (sorry ABS people)
Raft 'sandwich' configuration thing is established in the Slicer UI. But in the application, only the Raft Enable checkbox is working. Just expect a flexible Raft generator tool in the future.
CraftWare v1.01 beta - 2014.07.14
Features and bug fixes
Options/Build Volume config is now working. You can configure it for Delta machines.
Maximum speeds are now raised to 500mm/s
Open/Save folder bug fixed: It doesn't remember the folder when you not save and only shows home folder when you freshly install the app.
Slicer form: Fill Angles are now configurable: Infill angle & layer increment, HShell angle & layer increment, Raft angle. The only exception is Support angles.
Slicer form: Fan settings are accessible.
Slicer form: HShell density now affects extruded flow as it should.
Slicer form: Vertical speed and retract/prime speed.
Slicer form: There is now a Repair Corners option. It fixes rounded corners caused by the raster-offset algorithm.
Form maximized state is stored in the ini (registry).
There is now a basic interface to set up filament meter prices in the options form. It is displayed on the GCode viewer and it has a button to toggle.
CraftWare v1.00 beta - 2014.07.07
Re: CraftWare 08. August 2014 15:02 |
Registrierungsdatum: 10 Jahre zuvor Beiträge: 2 |
* build volume settings is crap now.
Yes, I've noticed this. The other error report I got is also from a win8 system, so someone of us must upgrade in order to catch this bug. Until that I'll manually set the size of the forms, not with Qt's adtjustSize() thing.
* Corners at the inner loops of a square hole are still round.
I think it's time for some technical explanation: CraftWare uses an experimental method for polygon offsetting: it works in raster space instead of the traditional vector space. Every slice is represented as a 8bit black/white image. The offsetting operation is performed with a blur image effect followed by a threshold operation at a specific intensity level. Then a contour detection algorithm follows that produces an outline (basically an iso-contour) which is composed of ExtrusionWidth/3 length vector-segments. And finally here comes an area based path optimizer algorithm which builds longer segments of those small segments based on the PathSmoothing parameter.
Because of blur, as processing loops:
- 90deg corners on the outside will collapse into somewhat round corners but the rounding will not exceed ExtrusionWidth. (RepairCornes can heal those)
- 90deg corners on the inside (holes) will grow to even rounder shapes, in the end they will become circles. (RepairCornes cannot heal those even bigger roundings)
So because of the above 2, it turned out that the Repair Corner feature only useful on the perimeter, not on the loops.
- raster-offsetting performance depends on rough mesh surface area and not on mesh complexity. (That's why a simple dog bowl takes as long as an complex MRI skull.)
- numerically stable: Needs no reconstruction and healing after an offset operation. The answer to the question "Which side of a line am I standing?" is always trivial.
- Sharp edges are rounded, and when they rare close to each other, or not that sharp, they're difficult/impossible to repair.
- Surfaces close together tend to stick to each other similar like metaball demo effect. Because of this, it is unable to slice a working ball-bearing.
- An option to use vector offsetting algorithm. The masking and the toolpath generator will be the same, so it will be a hybrid thing.
- Unfortunately there are other more important priorities like tons of bugs and a usable slicing-settings interface, and also multiplatform support. So it must be scheduled later.
* Could you maybe make an option to also deactivate all "reflection" (Lightspot)
I've made an option to disable environmentMapping for gcode viewer and for the Editor. But do you mean the perpixel phong light effect? (that's some kind of a reflection too) What kind of scene you see when you encounter this slow FPS? Is it a hipoly scene? I think the bottleneck is rather vertex count based, as the pixel shader is quite simple (compared to games).
* Multitouch Support would be cool
Good idea, landed on the Todo list, but after multiplatform support.
Re: CraftWare 23. February 2015 09:54 |
Registrierungsdatum: 11 Jahre zuvor Beiträge: 1.103 |
Re: CraftWare 21. May 2015 00:54 |
Registrierungsdatum: 13 Jahre zuvor Beiträge: 799 |
Re: CraftWare 21. June 2015 14:18 |
Registrierungsdatum: 10 Jahre zuvor Beiträge: 501 |