Die Gen7 ist einfach nicht kaputt zu kriegen 04. February 2017 16:57 |
Registrierungsdatum: 14 Jahre zuvor Beiträge: 7.616 |
Am 29.01.2017 um 19:34 schrieb Gen7-Besitzer:
> Hi Markus,
> Long time since I bought the Gen 7 kit from you. I took me a while to find
> the time to solder it. I followed precisely your instructions step by step
> and:
> [...]
> 3. I've connected an ATX PSU and checked voltages, the 3.3 volts is
> tricky... probably my cheap meter is at fault, however all the rest of the
> voltages check out - All good.
> 4. connecting an Arduino USB cable to the PC does absolutely nothing no COM
> port detected, no nothing - Problem?!
> I think the FTDI chip might be bad, I soldered it first 2 corners then went
> one by one with some breaks between so it cools down. [...]
Am 30.01.2017 um 19:42 schrieb Gen7-Besitzer:
> Hi Markus,
> My bad, the MCP2200 is working just fine. I switched the CMOS transistor
> with the 3.3 Volt regulator by mistake... that's why the bad 3.3 volts
> (0.something). All good now at this stage! Have COM port in Win10 and all.
> I'll let you know how things go. Right now I'm a bit enthusiastic :-)
Generation 7 Electronics | Teacup Firmware | RepRap DIY |
Re: Die Gen7 ist einfach nicht kaputt zu kriegen 04. February 2017 17:09 |
Administrator Registrierungsdatum: 17 Jahre zuvor Beiträge: 14.005 |
Re: Die Gen7 ist einfach nicht kaputt zu kriegen 04. February 2017 17:25 |
Registrierungsdatum: 14 Jahre zuvor Beiträge: 7.616 |
Bist du sicher, daß das bei deinem Board kein Problem wäre?
Generation 7 Electronics | Teacup Firmware | RepRap DIY |