I have recently built a mendel prusa reprap. Finally worked through hot-end issues, and am now working on improving print quality.
Would appreciate any advice about printing improvement based on the following example part: The coupling for the stepper-motor to Z-axis threaded rod. This is the first printed part listed at [
reprap.org]. The STL file is here: [
Pictures of the result are as follows:
SIDE VIEW, showing uneven surface:
You will see that the top is not smooth. I have been trying to follow some of the calibration advice, particularly that found at [
reprap.org] and at [
richrap.blogspot.com]. I get pretty good results with the 0.5mm-thin-wall.stl recommended for calibrating the layer height and for the 20mm-box.stl calibrating infill. Although I do get a some "grabbing"/"tugging" which distorts the infill layers near the top of the 20mm box before it lays down the final layers.
Here is what I am using:
Sprinter firmware
Pronterface printer controller
Slic3r slicing software, with the following parameters
3mm PLA filament
.5 mm nozzle diameter
Temperature = 185
Layer height = 0.3 mm
Perimiters = 3
Fill Density = 25%
Retraction = 1.5 mm, 30mm/s
Infill speed = 80 mm/s
Lift Z = 0.2 mm