extruder spinning like crazy in corners [SOLVED]
March 23, 2013 06:27AM
i've just finished my prusa i2 build and yesterday i did my first try at printing something, namely the bed levelling calibration thing. After adjusting endstops and microstepping settings to get the thing onto the printbed everything seems more or less OK until it gets to a rounded corner, when the extruder starts spinning like crazy! Any ideas why it might be trying to extrude so much so fast only at the corners? The extruder gear moves slow and nice as long as it's only moving in X or Y direction so it isn't a microstepping setting or something like that.

I'm using latest teacup firmware, gen7 electronics 1.4, exporting the gcode from slic3r and printing with pronterface, on ubuntu 12.10. I'm attaching the .gcode file if that helps too...also tried another calibration, a small cube, with exactly the same problem. Any ideas, anyone?!

Edit: solved

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/25/2013 06:26AM by nastybyte.
open | download - bedleveling.gcode (22.6 KB)
Re: extruder spinning like crazy in corners
March 23, 2013 02:16PM
Re: extruder spinning like crazy in corners
March 23, 2013 04:58PM
I admit i have to read up on what that even means, but i've set the "g-code flavour" option to "teacup" in slic3r...
Re: extruder spinning like crazy in corners
March 23, 2013 05:33PM
Re: extruder spinning like crazy in corners [SOLVED]
March 25, 2013 06:35AM
Hah, it really was that simple! Now i have some calibration to do. spinning smiley sticking its tongue out
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