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Recovering a Print When the Motor Slips

Posted by jamesncarter 
Recovering a Print When the Motor Slips
March 27, 2013 09:37AM

My nozzle caught on the object I was printing and made the X and/or Y motors slip.
I caught it straight away and paused the print.
Am I correct in saying entering the command

G28 X0 Y0

Will reset the X and Y axis and allow me to resume printing?

I have a RepRapPro Mendel Mono, it uses the Melzi board. The Gcode for the object was created using Kisslicer 1.1.0_rc2. Using the 5D Absolute E option.



Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/27/2013 10:43AM by jamesncarter.
Re: Recovering a Print When the Motor Slips
March 27, 2013 09:55AM
That depends on the accuracy of your endstops. If you trust them, then yes this will get you back on both axes. Bear the following in mind:
1) you don't know what speed will be used to get from home to the object position. I believe KISSlicer does not put the speed on every G1 command, but rather in a separate G1 command at the start of a block of G1 commands. Your head may crawl slowly back to the object.
2) There may be extrusion when moving from the origin back to the object, but this is probably going to be easy to clean up.
3) Your object will be missing a bit of plastic from the point of failure to the point where the print resumes.

Good luck
Re: Recovering a Print When the Motor Slips
March 27, 2013 10:02AM
Ok, Thanks jbernardis. Here goes...
Re: Recovering a Print When the Motor Slips
March 27, 2013 11:37AM
It worked, thanks :-)
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